“I’ll send you the information you need as soon as possible, sir.” Rowley turned on his heel and strolled out the door.

“Is there anything you’re not telling me?” Kane raised both black brows. “Love affairs gone wrong, jealous wives?”

“In Black Rock Falls? The mayor wouldn’t allow any scandal in the sheriff’s department, not that I have time for more than the odd dinner date, and adultery isn’t my style.”

“Then I guess the reason will come out when we find the other vehicle. I’ll send the paint samples away for analysis. A match and my testimony will be enough to send the driver away for some jail time.” Kane leaned his wide shoulder against the damaged cruiser and cleared his throat. “I’d like to sit in on the interview with Miss Woodward. I’d be interested to see what information she has discovered about her grandmother’s disappearance. Would you mind if I dropped you home, changed into my uniform, then headed back to the office?”

Jenna smothered the smile threatening to burst across her face. She had not met anyone so keen to give up a weekend, let alone after a long journey and a late night. “Sure. I’ll send the mayor’s office an email to let them know you’ve started today, so you’ll get paid.” She waved a hand toward the cruiser. “Do you need anything else from the wreck? I’d like to get the insurance claim underway as soon as possible.”

“We’ve covered every angle.” Kane indicated toward the street with his square chin. “Which way to the station?”

“It’s at the other end of town.” She edged to the door. “We’ll need to drive but let’s make it a short stop. I have things to do at home and I’m on duty tonight after the game.”

“Okay, but I’ll want time to log the paint scrapings and send a sample away before we leave. I don’t want to give anyone the impression we’ve had time to tamper with the evidence.” He shrugged. “That’s why I took the precaution of collecting the samples in front of Rowley and getting him to sign across the seals of the baggies.”

Professional and slick. I’m starting to like this guy. “It’s normal procedure—well, it is for me. I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

“So am I.” Kane grinned and his blue eyes sparkled with amusement. “It will sure make life easier.”


Kane followed Jenna into the sheriff’s office and glanced around. A young woman and two men sat apart in the waiting area, which was little more than a narrow hallway. He strolled behind Jenna past the people and into one large room. Partitioned areas took up most of the main floor where deputies conducted interviews in cubicles. An impressive show of flat-screens embellished the work areas. A door to one side held a large copper plate with the name “Sheriff Alton” embossed in silver. At the other end of the room, another door hung open to display a passageway. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and bagels led his attention to a small kitchenette complete with coffee maker and stainless steel refrigerator. A whiteboard covered with some type of chart hung beside a notice showing the way to the bathrooms. He waited for Alton to introduce him to the officers on duty but before she had opened her mouth, an elderly deputy in his sixties offered his hand and gave him a warm smile.

“Welcome to Black Rock Falls, I’m Duke Walters and this is Pete Daniels.” Walters indicated to the tall man in his twenties beside him. “It’s about time we had another sheriff’s deputy. I’m getting too close to retirement to be taking over in an emergency.”

“Jake said you planned to drop by today.” Daniels shook his hand then looped his thumbs into the belt on his pants and leaned against a desk.

“Jake?” Kane met the condescending stare of Daniels and shrugged off the wave of insolence coming from the younger man. “I don’t believe I’ve met anyone by that name.”

“He’s referring to Jake Rowley.” Sheriff Alton smiled at him in a flash of white. “Daniels here is our latest acquisition, straight from college. I’m sure he’ll benefit from your knowledge and experience.”

I hope so. He turned to Walters. “I have paint samples from Sheriff Alton’s accident to log into the evidence locker.” He pulled the baggies from his pocket and turned to Daniels. “You come too. I want two officers’ signatures on the evidence book.”

“The room requires two keys to unlock the cage.” Alton pulled a ring of keys from her pocket. “I have one and Walters has the other, as he was the senior officer before you arrived.” She gave the older man a long, considering stare. “I guess that honor goes to Kane now.”

Kane looked at the older man. “I’ll value Deputy Walters’ expertise to settle in.” He took the bunch of keys.

“I’ll look forward to cutting back my hours now we have some help.” Walters smiled warmly.

Kane opened his mouth to reply but swallowed the retort as a large and very attractive woman with dark chocolate skin flowed into the office. She shook the snow from a colorful knitted hat, hung it on a peg by the door, removed her coat, then turned toward him and flashed a brilliant smile.

“You must be the Deputy Kane everyone is talking about. I see everyone arrived early to meet you.” She moved toward him, generous hips swaying. “I’m Magnolia Brewster but you can call me Maggie.”

“Maggie is our receptionist.” Alton’s face broke into a warm smile. “Dial nine-one-one and you’ll get Maggie during office hours. Other times, emergency calls go straight to the officer on duty.”

“You handle all emergencies? Fires, paramedics?” Kane stared at her in disbelief.

“Yes, and we’ve requested a twenty-four-hour call-out service but the small volume of calls we receive isn’t worth the cost involved.” Alton drummed her neat fingernails on the desk. “Get the evidence logged, and if you’re sitting in on Sarah Woodward’s interview, get Walters to start the DMV check. When he has a list, compare it to everyone I arrested within the last six months, in case they own a similar vehicle.”

“Roger that. Anything else I should know?”

“Rowley will fill you in on the details. He’s on the ball.” She smiled. “Maggie will arrange for the paint samples to go to forensics. Walters is more than capable of overseeing that task.”

When Kane opened his mouth to ask another question, she glared at him.

“You’ll have plenty of time to talk shop with my deputies, after you take me home.”

* * *