Kane lifted his chin to look down his nose at the irate man. “Your son hasn’t been arrested. He is helping us with our enquiries and can leave whenever he likes. He hasn’t been charged but I would like to question him.”

“Where is Sheriff Alton? I’m not speaking to a subordinate.” Rockford waved a pudgy hand toward the door. “Go get her immediately.”

Kane smothered the urge to pick the man up by his expensive tie and throw him back into his luxury car, and gave him his well-rehearsed look of death. “She’s busy.”

“Not too busy to speak to me. Remember who signs her paycheck.”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to take your turn, we’ve been a little occupied these last couple of days.” Kane shrugged. “I’m sure we’ll get time to question your son first thing in the morning.”

“What exactly do you want to know? I’m sure I can clear up any misunderstanding.”

“It is routine enquiries and your son and his friends agreed to come in to answer a few questions. Unfortunately, the sheriff and I have been too busy to get back to the station. I’m sure you understand?” Kane rolled his shoulders in a nonchalant, lazy manner, which ignited a flash of rage in the other man’s eyes. “If you’ll excuse me, it’s been a very long day and I have to pack up our equipment.” He turned to go and the mayor grabbed him by the arm.

“Just you wait one minute.” Mayor Rockford increased his grip. “You are on my payroll and I demand respect. Remember I can have you removed from office with a stroke of my pen.”

Kane stared at the man’s hand for a long minute then slowly lifted his gaze to his face. He noticed Rockford’s anger change to uncertainty and drew in a deep breath. “Respect goes both ways. If you touch me again, we’ll have a problem, and trust me, you don’t want to have a problem with me.”

“Are you threatening me?” Rockford dropped his hand and stepped back.

“No more than you’ve threatened me.” Kane kept his gaze steady on his face. “I do my job and the only person I have to please is Sheriff Alton. She hires and fires, not you. Now, sir, Sheriff Alton needs my help. If you’ll excuse me?” He turned, marched up the steps, strode into the house, and shut the door behind him.

“By the look on your face, I gather he insulted you?” Alton flashed him a white grin then walked from the kitchen carrying a carton piled with food.

“Nah, he threatened to fire me, is all.” Kane chuckled. “He does look like a pig and he snorts when he’s angry. I had a hard time to stop from laughing at him.”

“What’s his problem?” Alton rested the carton on one slim hip.

Kane opened the front door for her and glanced outside; the light had faded to black “Rowley pulled his son in for questioning. He’s on the warpath. I don’t think it will be the last time we hear from him.”


Jenna drove her truck inside the barn at her ranch, glad to see the headlights of Kane’s SUV close behind her. Although the sensor lights around the property had activated on their arrival, unease hung over her. It was common knowledge she lived alone, and the accident and double homicide had her nerves on edge. The near miss may have been an accident but her skin prickled at the notion murders may have been committed as a personal message. She heard a tap on the window and snapped back, reaching for the weapon at her waist.

“Are you okay?” Kane gave her a quizzical stare. “You’ve been sitting here for a while.”

Her hand moved from the butt of the pistol to the catch on the seat belt. She opened the door and tried to force a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s been a long and eventful day. I was trying to get my head back on.”

“I’ve had a good look around the place. The way you have set the lights and the lack of trees would make it difficult for someone to hide.” Kane waved toward the electronic barn door. “The barn is like Fort Knox. You would have made sure it’s impenetrable, right? That just leaves my place and your house. We can do a quick recon then I’ll unpack what’s necessary. We can unload the other boxes in the morning.”

“Good idea.” She moved to jump down from the seat but he grasped her waist in his large hands and lifted her from the truck. “You didn’t have to do that, I’m quite capable.”

“Yeah, I did.” He gave her a crooked smile that reached his eyes. “You’re out on your feet. We’ve been running on adrenalin all day and now comes the drop.” He shut the door and placed one palm on the small of her back. “I’ll drive you to my place and unpack the pies and perishables, then we’ll go and make sure your place is secure.”

“Great idea, thanks.” She walked outside. Her attention lingered on every shadow as she depressed the button to close the barn door. “I have to admit, after what’s happened, living alone doesn’t seem such

a good idea anymore.”

* * *

Kane had seen the look of a hunted person many times and wondered what threat lurked in Jenna’s background. She was running from someone and he did not have too much confidence in her cover story. He had considered her to be ex-special ops by the way she moved and handled a crisis, but now he was not so sure. If he failed to obtain intel on her from his contacts, and they went straight to the president, then she was in deep cover. If so, she likely had the same plastic surgery as him, and in his case removal of tattoos connecting him to the marines. His cover was solid, impenetrable, and only three people on earth knew his name and location. He moved through his house, checking each room, then collected the box of food and his personal bag from the SUV. He removed the scanner and swept the house, then smiled at Jenna. “All good.” He noticed her shoulders sag and pointed to the well-stocked wine rack under the kitchen bench. “I’ve got an excellent bottle of Pinot Noir and steaks in the freezer. How about allowing me to cook for you tonight?”

“I’m not sure I’ll be very good company.” Alton pulled the knitted cap from her head and rubbed her hair vigorously. “I might fall asleep at the table.”

Kane chuckled. “Then I’ll put you on the sofa by the fire.”

“Okay, that’s a deal.” Alton smiled warmly. The professional mask of a sheriff vanished and Jenna’s true self emerged like a snowdrop in spring. She yawned. “See you after I’ve taken a long shower.”

Kane pulled two steaks from the freezer. “Take your time.” He noticed a shadow cross her face. “Just to be safe, why don’t you give me a call when you’re ready and I’ll come and get you? It’s too cold to walk.”