“We usually hang around the foyer.” Alton headed nimbly up the steps toward the entrance to the Cattleman’s Hotel. “They employ two security guards but they patrol the bar area.” She opened the door and strolled inside. “At least it’s warmer in here.” She unzipped her jacket then removed her gloves and rubbed her small hands together.

Kane followed and scanned the area for potential threats and noticed Alton mirroring his moves. She stood with her back to the wall. The position gave her a clear view of the parking lot and foyer. He took a spot on the opposite wall and moved his attention to the reception area. Placed behind a set of glass doors, the long service desk sat in front of an impressive mural of a Wild West cattle stampede. Bulls with flaring nostrils charged across a prairie in a cloud of dust while cowboys riding hell for leather galloped behind with six shooters raised. He had an appreciation of art. In fact, he had left an impressive collection of pictures and bronzes in storage after his wife’s death. Pushing down the urge to open the doors and move closer to inspect the exquisite artwork, he shifted his gaze to the patrons moving around inside the building.

Two receptionists served a line of guests. An attractive young woman and an older man with graying hair wearing tailored black jackets stood behind the polished oak counter displaying practiced smiles of tolerance. Hmm, high class for such a small town. The place spelled Money with a capital M. Polished wooden floors shone throughout, and for a small town the Cattleman’s Hotel surprised him with its opulence. Signs directed customers to the bar and restaurant on opposite sides of the foyer. He dragged his gaze away.

“This place is a surprise. High class and not what I would expect in a small town.”

“Yeah, it’s owned by a very wealthy family.” Alton leaned against the wall and yawned. “They have a private gaming club in the back and the place is popular.” She shrugged. “They stick to the rules and are rarely a problem.”

“So there are some wealthy ranchers in the area?”

“Yeah, some big cattle ranchers, and then there are the professionals, teachers, and of course the medical profession. They all avoid town and live opposite Stanton Forest.” Alton’s lips twitched up into a smile. “We have a hospital and the college campus on the other side of town.”

“I had no idea Black Rock Falls is spread over such a large area.”

“Yes, well it is a county, and with four deputies and me to watch over the entire place you’ll find the job is harder than you think.” Alton’s stare moved over him.

He straightened and rested his hand on his holster. After ten years in the secret service, he would have to get used to wearing a weapon on his hip rather than a service pistol nestled in a shoulder holster. Alton’s words percolated through his brain. If Black Rock Falls had a huge number of rich people ripe for fleecing, and as the gaming world was a nest for corruption, it would make sense for underworld criminal syndicates to negotiate a deal with a local authority figure. Refusal could lead to “accidents”. He cleared his throat. “Have you had any dealings with the proprietors of late?” He leveled his gaze on her, gauging her reaction. Man, the way she instantly blanked her expression, she would survive waterboarding without giving up information.


Jenna observed Kane’s movements from the moment he entered the hotel. He is making a list of suspects. Like a dog after a bone. “Yeah.” She heard a car engine and glanced outside. “Here comes the cavalry. Rowley and Daniels will take one of the cruisers and park at the rear entrance. There’s a walkway to the parking lot from there, so they can keep an eye on anyone trying to sneak out.”

“Good idea.” Kane’s dark head moved toward the two men huddled in conversation beside the elevators. Every so often, they would glance at him. He tipped his chin toward them and raised one eyebrow in question. “The two men you had in the lock-up Thursday night are acting suspicious. What do you think Josh Rockford and Dan Beal are planning?”

“I’d say Rockford is trying to get to his car without being caught.” She frowned. “His team won tonight, so he’ll be strutting for the next few days.”

“Maybe I’ll find a reason to impound his car.” Kane narrowed his gaze and appeared to grow taller. “I’ve seen too many young guys like him killed in wrecks. They think they’re invincible.”

“No need to impound his car.” She headed through the glass doors into the hotel. “I usually put him in a cab. He likes to be the center of attention, so ignoring him is the best put down.”

Kane followed her to the two men and took a position beside Jenna. When Josh Rockford gave her a brilliant and expensive white smile, Kane straightened to his full six five and glared down at him. Rockford was either too drunk or stupid to recognize the threat Kane posed and dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

“Do you have a room here tonight or is the mayor giving you a ride home?” Alton addressed Rockford in a tone of authority then turned to Dan Beal. “And what about you, Mr. Beal?”

“We’re not staying but we do have to get on home.” Dan Beal gave Alton a salacious wink. “Josh here thought you might like to give us a ride in your cruiser?”

“Yeah.” Josh Rockford bent to whisper in Alton’s ear but his gaze remained fixed on Kane. “But leave the gorilla behind.”

When Alton said nothing, Kane took a step forward, placing his body between Rockford and her. “You’ve had too much to drink. Hand over your car keys. You’ll be taking a cab home tonight.” He held out his hand. “Now! Unless you would like to spend another night in the lock-up? I’m giving you a warning. Next time I find you drunk and disorderly in public, you will be my guest in the lock-up.”

“You need to control that jealous streak, man. Moving into Jenna’s cabin doesn’t make you her keeper.” Rockford grinned at him. “The sheriff likes me fine, don’t you, darlin’?”

Kane pushed down the desire to throttle the idiot and shrugged. “I don’t see her jumping into your arms. Maybe she prefers someone a little more mature.”

“My father owns you.” Rockford sniggered. “He’ll have your badge if you charge me.”

“Do I look like I care?” Kane dropped his voice to just above a whisper. “Trust me, you don’t want to be locked up overnight on my watch. Now hand over your car keys or I’ll tip you upside down and shake them loose.”

The look of pure hatred Rockford gave him made the hairs on the back of Kane’s neck stand to attention. The spoiled brat had moved to the top of his list of suspects. He collected the keys and escorted the men to one of the waiting cabs. How they had managed to become intoxicated in a relatively short time intrigued him. Binge drinkers did not usually captain winning teams, although add Josh’s daddy’s influence into the equation and anything was possible. He wa

tched the taillights of the cab disappear into the darkness then returned to the hotel, weaving between the patrons heading home. Some sang the team song, couples held hands. Overall, the people of Black Rock Falls behaved better than expected.

He found Alton in her spot inside the foyer. “You shouldn’t have to put up with idiots like those two.”

“I can handle Rockford.” Alton smiled at him. “Although, I have to admit it was nice having someone on my side for a change.”

“I’m just concerned for your welfare.” Kane sighed. He needed to make his point. “Someone tried to kill you and if you’re not being threatened then something else is going on.” He shrugged. “Two people are missing without a trace and my instinct tells me there’s a connection. Indulge me by running through your movements over the last couple of weeks.”