
“The cycle has to stop somewhere,” she cut me off. “This ends here. I can’t allow my child be used as a pawn the way I was. Sofia deserves better.”

“I admit it started off the way Oleksandr wanted.” My anger made me forget where we were—on the top step of my townhouse—and that anyone passing by could hear us shouting. If I’d been thinking clearer, I would have dragged Yulia inside and shut the door, but my only thought was to make her understand. “By marrying her, and producing a child with both our bloodlines, he would have it all. Just like he wanted when he married you off to Leonid. I set it all up so she would fall for me, but I never expected—”

I broke off when a strangled gasp sounded behind Yulia. Feeling as if my life were flashing before my eyes, I shifted my gaze to find Sofia standing on the bottom step. Dressed in black sweats and a matching top, her dark hair pulled back in a sleek ponytail, she looked absolutely beautiful.

And completely shattered.

Her blue eyes haunting.

Heartbreak etched into her lovely face.

“Dragotsennyy,” I choked out, taking a step toward her.

But with a cry that broke something deep inside me, she turned on her heel and started running.

Right into oncoming traffic.

I heard a scream, but I couldn’t differentiate if it came from Sofia or Yulia—or even myself. In horror, I watched as one car after another slammed on their brakes. Horns blared angrily as tires squealed and left skid marks from the sudden stops. One taxi rear-ended another, sending others bumping into one another.

My heart stopped, the air leaving my lungs, and I fell to my knees, unable to control the strength in my legs from my fear. Every muscle in my body shouted to chase after her, but my brain had shut down and wouldn’t cooperate to make any of my limbs mobile.

Then, as if by some miracle, I saw Sofia on the other side of the street, running. Over the continued curses and honking car horns, I thought I heard her sobs.

Beside me, Yulia dropped onto her ass, no longer able to hold herself upright either, and vomited.

Unable to think past getting to Sofia, so I could make sure she was unharmed, I stumbled to my feet. A raindrop hit my bare back, making me realize I was still in only a pair of sleep pants. Leaving Yulia on the front steps, I ran into the house and up to the bedroom to throw on the first clothes I came across.

Picking up my phone, I tried to call Sofia as I ran back downstairs, but her phone was off. With unsteady fingers, I called for my car, fighting the sting of tears.

She was okay. She had to be.

I just needed to get to her and explain everything.

My future—my fucking life—depended on it.