“Wh–what are those?” I squeaked, scooting back until my shoulders hit the headboard as if the boxes contained something that might bite me if I weren’t careful.

Zak picked up one of the three pregnancy test packages and flipped it over, reading the directions on the back. “We’ve been making love for weeks now,dragotsennyy,” he said calmly while his gaze skimmed over the box. “And you haven’t had your period in that entire time. Then you wake up so ill that you can’t make it out of bed. I think this is the natural next step to rule out why you are feeling sick.”

“But…” The chalky mint was hard to swallow, but somehow I got it down before speaking again. “I mean… It hasn’t been… Fuck.”

He grinned and shot me a wink before opening the box and handing me the plastic-wrapped stick that I needed to pee on. “Would you like me to assist you?”

I glared up at him as I snatched the test out of his hand. “You stay right where you are, Zakhar Morozov. If you step one foot inside that bathroom while I’m peeing on this little stick, I’m going to stab you in the eye with it.”

His laughter followed me, and I slammed the door shut before flipping the lock just in case he actually followed. It wouldn’t surprise me if he did. For a man who claimed to have the patience of a saint, he’d proven repeatedly how untrue that was. And while I normally liked it, this was not one of those times when I wanted him to get all possessive and impatient.

Sitting on the toilet, I quickly took the test and then recapped the end of the stick. On shaky legs, I washed my hands and left the test on the countertop before returning to the bedroom to wait. The moment the door opened, Zak pulled me into his arms.

Tears immediately started spilling down my face. “I’m scared,” I whispered.

He tightened his arms around me and kissed my brow. “Of what,dorogaya?”

“I-I never thought about being a mom before. I won’t be very good at it. And…” I swallowed a sob and cleared my throat. “And we’ve only been dating for a few weeks. You’re going to think I trapped you. I swear I didn’t, Zak. Please believe me.”

“I would never think you wanted to trap me,” he murmured, his tone tender as he kissed me softly. When he lifted his head, his golden eyes were serious as they locked with mine. “I love you, Sofia. If you’re pregnant, nothing would make me happier. If you’re not, then we can take our time. Because I am never letting you go.”

“Zak,” I choked out. “I love you too.”

His nostrils flared on his sharp inhale. “Then marry me,lyubimaya. Say yes now, before we know the results, so you will know that it’s you I want for now and always, and not just because you might be carrying my child.”

I couldn’t see through my tears as I looked up at him, already nodding. “Yes,” I sobbed. “Yes, Zak. I love you so much. I’ll marry you.”

“Today?” he asked hopefully, making me laugh through my tears.

“Do you want my mother to murder you? She’s going to want a huge wedding, just like my brother had.”

“I forbid it,” he groused. “Something small and quick. I want—no, I fucking need you as my wife. Now.”

I pouted out my bottom lip, more for the sake of my mom than any real desire for a huge wedding. I loved my mother too much to disappoint her. She deserved to get the chance to throw me the beautiful wedding she’d been planning from the moment I became her daughter. “It would make me really happy if we had a nice wedding,” I told him. “With a wedding dress and our families to celebrate with us. I promise it won’t take long to plan.”

His eyes narrowed, but I quivered my chin just enough to win him over. “Fine,” he huffed in exasperation. “You get a month, but no longer.”

“Deal!” I threw my arms around his neck. “Thank you, babe. This will mean so much to my mom.”

The timer I’d set went off before he could growl a reply. Fear and a little excitement fluttered in my stomach as he took my hand, and we walked into the bathroom together to see if we were going to be parents.

Seeing the “Pregnant” on the screen made the air whoosh out of my lungs, but when Zak saw it, he released a laugh that warmed me from the inside out. All my nervousness at the thought of being a mother disappeared in the face of his happiness.

Maybe starting a family so early in our relationship was a good thing.