The instant I walked into the flower shop, these beautiful roses caught my attention. Much like you ensnared it last night. Then I caught their scent, and something strange happened in the region of my heart. I think I miss you, and it has only been a matter of hours since I last saw you.

I hope you miss me too—if only a little.


I read and reread his words over and over again, my heart doing strange things as well. Somewhere in the back of my mind, a white flag was being waved in surrender.

He missed me.

And I was already tired of fighting with myself that I missed him too.

I didn’t want to, but there was no denying the truth any longer. Not when I ached to see him, to simply be in the same room with him. Was this obsession? It had to be, because I didn’t know what else to call it. Love didn’t seem like the right word. It was too soon. Insta-love didn’t exist—I didn’t care what anyone said.

But obsession, I could believe that.

“Well?” Tavia asked softly, her lips lifted in a slight smile when I tore my gaze from the little white card with the bold, dark handwriting.

“Do you know where Zak lives?”