Page 88 of Queen’s Sacrifice



Knocking on the door of Whitewraithe Castle is an experience I’ll never forget. I reach out my hand and Penny grasps it, calming my nerves. Still, my heart hammers against my ribs. I pound on the door again and step back, looking up at the huge piece of oak. Is nobody going to answer?

Is it possible that no one is home?

But no, there definitely are people here. I saw their cars when I pulled up just a few minutes ago.

The door open and produces a massive squeaking sound. I went and instinctively step in front of Persephone, shielding her from whatever lies just beyond the door.

I need and have worried though apparently. Mad does face is the first that I see on the other side. She gives me a brief, hard smile and then lights up when she sees Penny. Oh, you’re okay! Thank God. I was worried about you.

My mother places a hand on my arm and then moves around me to give Penny a quick hug. Oh, thank God you’re all right. I was very worried about you. It’s good to see you looking so well.

She backs up, examining pennies pregnant belly.

I am fine. Tired, mostly. Your son saved me. Persephone grabs me by the crook of my arm and brings the attention back to me. I don’t need her to mediate things between myself and my mother, but I’d give her a gracious smile anyway.

I have no illusion about the relationship with my mother. It’s damaged beyond repair and the most I can do at this point is a little tidying at the edges. But it seems important to Penny that my mother be present. Plus, there’s a huge bonus in the fact that my mother can easily stand in for a midwife, should the need arise. And with pennies due date looming around the corner, it seems like a good idea to have a doctor at our beck and call.

Well, come in, my mother says. Don’t send outside for too long. Call me your uncle well.

Ushering penny inside, I head into the castle. It’s

Almost instantly, I see a man who must be my uncle; he is older, graying at the temples, but he looks like my mother around the eyes. He hastens forward and cloths my hand, his smile warm and genuine.

“Hello, nephew. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.

My eyebrows fly up. I open my mouth to ask him exactly when he supposedly met me in the past. But he has already moved on. He has turned his case to Penny and marvels over her.

“What a treat that our boy brought you home. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Persephone.”

“Thank you for having us, sir.”

The older man’s eyes crinkle. “Please, call me Uncle Will.”

Penny blushes and lets him use an arm around her shoulders as he draws her down the hallway.

My mother looks at me arching a brow. Your brothers are already here.

They are? I ask.

Her mouth twitches. Apparently, you were the only one that Eros kept out of the loop because he and Aries have both been coming here for ages.

My heart squeezes in my chest. What?

Magda takes me by the elbow end walks placidly toward the main room. We enter a huge, bright Lee lit room that serves as a living area with a lot of couches and chairs. I spot both of my brothers sitting by the fireplace, each one looking like the cat that swallowed the canary.

Uncle Will stations Persephone in a chair and seems interested in catering to her every want or need. I eye him, uncertain of his intentions.

In the next second, he moves to reassure me.

“Whitewraithe Castle is yer home. If ye look back, ye can trace yer lineage all the way back to the very first clans to settle in these parts. And ye’ve done well to bring yer bride here. She’ll be well cared-for and fiercely protected by every last man and woman while she brings new life into our little world.”

Penny’s eyebrows rise slightly. “We don’t know how long we’re going to stay. And… I hate to be the one to tell you, but we’re not married.”

I move closer to her, gripping her hand. Uncle Will turns to her, bowing.