Page 83 of Queen’s Sacrifice

“Get down,” he says.

I duck, covering my head and weaving toward one wall. Hades opens fire, raining down death upon everyone left in the black leather basement. Bullets whiz so softly that we it not for the grunts and cries of the men behind me, I would have thought that Hades missed.

My pulse pounds. I’m trembling all over; my right hand is stained with blood. I can barely see now because at some point in all of this mess, I started to cry.

Hades snakes an arm out, gripping me. I look up at him, my breath stopping. His eyes bore into mine, his expression unspeakably intense.

“You came,” I find myself saying.

“Aye, lass.” He pulls me close, ever so briefly kissing my lips. The sizzling press of his lips against mine sears me through and through.

But he releases me quickly, spinning me around. I look at the basement room, swallowing a big lump.

The bodies of the men are there, spilled across the floor. All dead, all staring blankly, their expressions contorted.

Acting on instinct, I turn my face away, a sob escaping my chest.

I raise my eyes to Hades, a question on my lips. “Why?”

“Ye need to see for yourself,” he answers. He cups my cheek briefly, gripping my face. “Those men will never hurt ye again. I’ve made sure of it, Persephone.”

I nod quickly, pressing myself against the shelter of his body. He kisses the top of my head, then barks an order at me.

“Upstairs. Let’s go, lass.”

“Wait.” I pull at Hades’ hands. “Am I… am I going to see my mother’s body upstairs?”

He shoes his head. “I didn’t kill them. I don’t know how we are going to live in the same world as them, though. They seem determined to keep coming after ye.”

“What if…” I blush. “What if we just lay low for a while? We can go to your castle and prepare for the baby.”

“Too many people know about the castle. But you are right, we should go to ground somewhere until the baby is born. Maybe we can come up with a plan then.”

My heart squeezes and I nod.

“Thank you, Hades.”

He kisses me, hard and quick, a possessive kiss if I’ve ever had one.

“I love you, Persephone. You’re my heart. I’ll always come for you, until the end of time. That I vow.”

“Oh god. I love you too, Hades!” A sob bursts from my chest and I cling to him for several moments.

When Hades releases me, he takes my hand. As he leads me out of the basement, I try not to dissolve into a tearful mess when I climb the stairs.

He came for me.

Somehow. Some way.

He saved me. Saved our daughter.

His vow rings through my head.

I’ll always come for you, until the end of time.

I try to let that wash over me without breaking down as I go.