Page 67 of Queen’s Sacrifice

What on earth is my father doing here? I know that my mother and father liked Constantine even after I told them about some of the abuse allegations. That was honestly the beginning of the end of my relationship with my family. But to be here and Paris, in the company of the man that has already tried to kill me once?

That’s a whole new low for my father. What can he possibly hope to gain from being here right now?

I’m already carrying Hades’ child. The fact has obviously not escaped Constantine. From the threatening letter in my luggage, my parents knew it too.

So again, I have to ask myself: what could they hope the outcome would be?

I honestly can’t imagine, and the fact makes me sick.

Hades slides over in the car, sitting next to me. He puts his arm on my belly, shielding me as well as possible. I grip his hands and stare straight ahead, trying to figure out what the game plan could be.

I don’t see any possibility of a confrontation with Constantine and my dad that doesn’t end with one of them trying to drag me back to Louisiana. I look up at Hades, my thoughts snarling.

“It’s going to be okay,” he says. He looks at me, his eyes pinning me in place. “Ye know that, right? No matter what, we are going to be together.”

I nod slowly. “I want to say I’m not afraid but…” I trail off.

Hades nods. As he begins to speak again, the whole car suddenly lurches forward, rammed by the white vehicle right behind us. I let out a strangled gasp as I’m thrown forward, bracing myself on the seat in front of me.

Hades growls low in his throat. He feels dangerous just now, like he cannot be contained. His eyes flash with fury and I shiver, even knowing that that emotion is reserved for our enemies.

He is a fearsome man.

The driver of our car floors it and we are pressed back against the leather seats as he takes a while left turn. The white SUV makes the same turn as we do, pulling up so that we are side-by-side. The traffic flowing against us veers wildly out of the way but the madman behind the wheel of the other SUV doesn’t slow or stop. It merely swerves all over the place in its’ attempts to pull even with us.

Our driver slams on the brakes and we skid sideways. My eyes go wide, and I clench at Hades’ hand. For a second, my body doesn’t know which direction it’s even being flung in. Soon the driver throws the car into reverse and slams on the gas, looking backward as he navigates down the street. I hear Hades murmuring under his breath.

But what is he supposed to do? I don’t know.

A second later, two cars pull out into the middle of the street, blocking us and denying us access to escape. The white SUV has reversed its path as well and it traces our path exactly.

When we come to a screeching halt, it does too. As soon as the SUV slows down enough, the doors fly open, and Constantine gets out. There’s a grin on his face, ugly as sin. He lifts glasses from his eyes and brandishes his huge firearm.

He carefully and neatly shoots the two security guards several times, somehow avoiding me and Hades. The bullets hit the car in a bright, loud burst.

I duck, hanging on for my life and praying that Hades has a plan.