Page 18 of Queen’s Sacrifice



As soon as Hades gets me inside of our luxurious penthouse suite, he shuts the door and directs a glare my way. “Sit down.”

I give him my most regal, steeliest glance. “With pleasure.”

All the way up here, I couldn’t wait to touch Hades. To embrace him, to press my lips against his, to be held by him. All the things I’ve dreamt of these last few months when I cried myself to sleep.

But now, Hades paces back and forth, his arms folded and one hand covering his mouth. He keeps looking at me as if he can’t believe I’m even here, let alone that I am pregnant. Then again, I’ve had months to get used to my condition. Hades has had less than an hour.

“So? Is it true?”

Looking around the penthouse’s living room, I feel a twinge in my back. There is a long dusty blue velvet couch a few feet away and I head for it. I’m tired as a dog and when I answer his question, it comes out sounding more irritable than I meant it to.

“Is what true?”

I collapse onto the couch, groaning quietly at the ache I can start to feel along my whole right side. Hades crosses his arms, looking for all the world as though he has just bitten into a bitter piece of fruit.

“Did you threaten to kill the child inside of you?”

I let my eyes drift closed for just a few seconds. “No. That’s not what I did at all. And besides, I was bluffing. He literally stole me away in the night and held me on an island where no one could speak English. I would’ve said or done almost anything in order to escape him.”

Hades casts a dour look at me. “So it is partially true.”

“Hades.” I open my eyes and pin him with a hard gaze. “I’m too tired to fight with you.”

“Well, tough shit.”

I make a cutting motion with my hand.

“I know that it runs counter to our usual dynamic. But I just can’t argue with you over something so stupid while you stand way over there, trying to decide if you can accept my pregnancy or not.”

“Yer putting word in my mouth,” he growls.

Fixing him with my gaze, I continue. “It isn’t really up for debate, Hades. I am pregnant. It is yours. And yes, I’ll take a test with a qualified doctor. I want to see a specialist as soon as possible. I don’t fucking care about the rest.”

Hades glares at me sharply. “Ye have a lot of demands.”

“I’ve been held on an island for four months by one of your brothers, Hades!” I explode. “Who, by the way, you just let off the hook without so much as a scolding. So yes, I have demands. And it’s about to get very real, very fast. I want to call the police. I want to press charges. I want that motherfucker to pay for the four months that I was trapped and kept from everyone I’ve ever known.”

Rage fills me with a trembling kind of hate. At the very same time, I can’t hold back my tears. Not just because I’m so hormonal and pregnant. But also because Ares scared the living daylights out of me and needs to be put in jail for a long, long time.

Hades is considering me, pushing out his cheek with the tip of his tongue.

“I won’t go to the authorities, lass.” He shrugs almost off-handedly. “Nothing in my life happens within the bounds of law enforcement. This shouldn’t be any different.”

Pursuing my lips, I press my hands to my belly. “It’s not your choice to make.”

Stalking over to me, he stares down at me until my heart rate beats double time.

“You are in so deep; you don’t even realize exactly how much trouble you’re in!” he thunders.

It’s a struggle for me to push to my feet. I can feel the baby stirring inside my body, as if turning away from his shouted voice. Raising a finger to my lips, I point at my stomach.

“Shhh. It doesn’t like people yelling.”

That causes him to pale slightly, stepping back. He looks down at my belly, frowning.