Page 62 of A Stitch Up

Chapter 22


I hear noises. A beep, then someone talks. I think it might be Cahill or Jones.

“She hasn’t moved or twitched in two weeks! What if she…”

“She will, have faith mate. What did your mam tell you? She will come back to you when she is good and ready. Be patient, man.”

“But I can’t! It’s been two weeks!”

I so badly want to open my eyes or move a finger, but I can’t. I want to scream, I’m here! I am fighting to come back but it’s useless. I slip back into nothingness.

“Mr. Traynor, we have done everything we can. Miss Martin is in an induced coma as she is still healing. Please give her time. This is normal. She will gradually wake up, sir.”

“You better fucking hope she wakes up or it will be you in that bed fighting for life next!”

Oh God. Cahill, I want to shout I am here, calm down or you will scare the wits out of the doctor, but I am not able to yet.

“Oh, my fucking God! Cahill, leave the doctor alone. Go get a coffee and cool off. I will stay with her.” It’s Lauren, she is here. Yeah, good girl, shouting at my man, I knew you had my back.

“Please wake up, Sophie, I can’t take much more babysitting him.” I can hear her laugh and cry. I really want to wake up.

“The doctor said to keep talking to you. That you can hear us. I hope he is right. I need my bestie back. I need our girlie chats and drinks. Aoife is trying her best and I do love her, but she isn’t you, Soph.”

I feel her tears on my hand. I am trying so hard to stay awake, but the darkness takes me away. I am trying to fight it, but it wins every time.

“I am going crazy here, Sophie. Please wake up, doll. I need you like my next breath. You make me sane. Please, doll, please.”

And that is what breaks my heart, my man crying for me. I feel Cahill holding my left hand in both of his. I try to move my fingers slightly knowing they probably won’t, but I feel Cahill stiffen.

“Doll, are you moving? Can you hear me?”

I can hear the hope in his voice, so I move my fingers again, as much as I can.

“That’s it, doll. Come back to me.”

I feel his tears on my cheek as he kisses my face. My throat is so dry. My head is a dull ache. My eyes flutter open. Thankfully the room is dark.

“Doc.Doc! She is awake. She is moving!” I hear Cahill scream and I automatically wince.

“Fuck, sorry, doll. Shh, the doctor is coming. I’m so sorry,” he coos to me. I try to open my mouth and talk, but it’s so dry, I need water badly. Hopefully the doctor will give me something.

I see the doctor rush in with two nurses. One nurse is looking over the machine, the other is giving me a sip of water. I am ever so grateful.

“Miss Martin, I am so glad to see you have decided to join us. You still need lots of rest. You are on strong medication to assist with your recovery, so don’t be alarmed if you drift off to sleep again. Besides that, how are you feeling? Anywhere sore?”

“Erm… I’m a little confused. But not sore, doctor. My head has a dull ache, but that is it.”

Then I look down at myself, and see one arm, and leg are both in a cast, my right hand is bandaged, my left hand has an IV drip attached to it, my other leg is wrapped. I have wrap around my ribs, and I can’t even see my face yet. I must have made a face because Cahill is right beside me saying, “It looks bad, but it will all heal. It’s ok, doll.”

He pushes my hair out of my face as my tears start to flow. I start to have little snippets of what happened, and I don’t want them. But seeing his face in my memory, the anger and hatred on his face. My wish for death, to end my pain makes me ask,“Where is he?” I don’t need to say his name. Cahill knows exactly who I am talking about.

“He has been taken care of, Sophie. He can’t hurt you ever again,” he growls. The gentleness of his hands holding mine compared to his growl makes me shiver. “I am sorry I failed you.”

I stroke Cahill’s face with my left hand. “Is he dead?” I just want to know.

“No, I have made him suffer for the two weeks while you have laid here healing. But tonight, he will be. I will finish him, and he will know hell is easier than what he has suffered.” I can see Cahill’s eyes are nearly black. He is ready to kill.