“No! I love classical music. I just didn’t expect...” I fall silent, a blush rising on my cheeks.

“It’s OK, I get it. I look like more of a Mozart man, right?”

I start to laugh as I wave a hand up and down in front of me, indicating my dress. “I really shouldn’t be making assumptions, should I?”

He grins. “You look beautiful. Stunning. But I won’t lie, I genuinely want to pluck the eyes out of any man that saw you like that.”

“Really?” My heart thunders. Would he really? How do I know he wouldn’t? Am I actuallyswooningright now? “What about Mike and Chris?”

“I’ve known Mike a long time and trust me, you’re not his type. As for Chris, his interest is already taken with someone else.” Leo glances at the doorway. “I just wish they’d admit it to themselves and dispel all that tension.”

“So Mike’s gay? And Chris and...”

“Hannah. Best shot in my organization. Yep. Ever since I introduced them a year ago.”

We both start to laugh as we look into each other’s eyes, then I avert my gaze.Stop this, Atlanta, you’re not here for pleasant company. And even if you were, he isn’t it.

He really isn’t.

Is he?

“I don’t actually drink. Perhaps a water?”

“Not a problem. I’ll have one, too.” He turns his back, stepping across the room, and I grab for my clutch. This might be my only opportunity. I fumble with the clasp, trying to open it silently, then drop it again when he swivels. “Sparkling or still?”

My eyes are betraying my guilt. He’s going to guess.


“Um... Sparkling. Please.”

He keeps his head turned my way as he grabs the water from the fridge. “So your dad said you’re at college?”

“Yes.” I think about the stack of books I’m supposed to be reading right now, unopened on the corner of my nightstand. “Nevada State.”

He hands me my water, then takes a seat beside me. “Studying business, Greg said. Would you like a glass?”

“No, in the bottle is fine. It’s actually Business Administration.”

“Sounds useful.”

“Yeah. I guess.” I look away, opening my water and taking a sip.

Leo’s fingers gently take hold of my chin, and he turns me to face him. His gray eyes look so carefully into mine I have to look down just to breathe, keeping my eyes away from his. “What is it, baby?”

“It’s...” I try to shake my head, feeling the blush spread on my cheeks. Why am I letting him touch me like this? “It’s stupid.”

“Hey.” He dips down so that he can look into my face again. “Nothing about you is stupid. Tell me what’s bugging you, perhaps I can help.”

I sigh, my shoulders hunching in a little shrug. “I paid for college myself. Well, my mom did really. She died when I was ten.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Me too. I loved her and she loved me. She left me a college fund that my dad couldn’t touch. But even so, he managed to persuade me not towaste iton the schooling I wanted. I’m doing Business Admin because it’s whathewanted. It kept things peaceful at home until I could leave. I just wish...” I look away again, embarrassed. I feel like a spoiled brat.

“That you could live your life the way you want?”

My eyes snap back to his, and I see... Is that recognition in his eyes? Is he talking about me or him? I nod.