She wouldn't do it again, she told herself. Tomorrow she would fill out a proper profile on the Growler app, would start getting out and meeting people, would find a real life partner with whom she could work out a bit of her sexual frustration. Tomorrow, she would start using the app tomorrow. Tonight, Grace thought, biting her lip, she would scratch this itch one more time. The unknown presence beyond her window hummed in approval as her fingers slid between her legs, stroking into her heat. She was wet already, dropping her head back again with a sigh as she rolled over her sensitive clit.

"Do you like watching me?" she murmured, heat moving up her neck. She wasn't sure what she would've done, had they responded with words, but she decided the two clicks she received in return were a response in the affirmative. Her clit felt like a live wire, sparks flaring behind her eyes as she rolled over it, already swollen and sensitive, as it had been for the majority of the past week.Too horny to think.She wondered what it would be like to offer herself up to the presence outside her window, letting them reach a hand in to stroke her.A hand or tongue,she thought with a little moan. "It's too bad you're not a little closer," she spoke into the empty air. "If you were, you might be able to take a taste."

Thatwas what she needed, she considered, not a date. She could buy her own dinner, and making mindless small talk with a stranger wasn’t going to cool this fire in her blood. She needed someone to go down on her until she came against their tongue, and then fuck her until she was boneless and finally able to get a good night's rest. She'd not been sleeping well, between the heat and her horniness, and there was no doubt in her mind that all she needed was a good licking and a deep fucking, and she'd be able to get her head back to normal. Lowering herself to her back, she slowly opened her legs.

Her bedroom window was on the side of her house, and while the distance between her house and the neighbor's was not terribly far, there were several large trees, like this one. Come wintertime, she'd be able to look out her bedroom window with an unobstructed view, directly to her neighbor's house. Now though, the trees were heavy with their greenery, blocking any line of sight her neighbor may have had to peer into her house. She had checked after the last time, rushing to the window once she got home from work the following afternoon, the thought having occurred to her on her drive home. She'd sagged against the sash in relief, barely even able to see the neighbor's house at all, and as she opened her legs for her audience now, she was comfortable in the knowledge that no one might be spying from next door.

No one was peeping, she thought as she dragged her fingers through her slickness, except for her Peeping Tom. Another huff and click from her voyeur, a bit closer sounding, she thought, as if they had moved into a better position on the branch's front row. The thought made her stretch her legs open even further.We want them to have the best view, after all.This was stupid and risky, and Grace knew she would hate herself in the morning, but at that moment, she couldn't bring herself to care. She moaned as she rubbed her clit, circling it with several fingers.

"Too bad you can't take a taste," she repeated, knowing she was both tempting fate and playing a dangerous game, but the promise of a satisfying release was her only focus. She imagined the same lizard man from her previous fantasy, climbing through her window and licking her clit with a flickering blue tongue, his two red cocks bobbing as he focused on her pleasure. Or perhaps, she moaned again, the bat person. His tight jeans would be open, cock standing at attention as his fat testicles bounced in the open air, climbing over the jamb, wings opening wide as he feasted on her cunt, nibbling her clit with gentle fangs.

Grace realized it was the one element that had been missing from her flirtations and innuendos with Brogan at work. The big minotaur was always quick with a quip about his size and how small she was in comparison; bringing attention to the not-at-all subtle bulge at the front of his snug jeans. Even his propositions had been rather singularly focused — he offered to fuck her, promised she wouldn’t walk right for a week, and had insinuated that what she needed to solve whatever problem she'd been grousing over was the thickness of his cock between her legs. Never once had he made any allusion to going down on her.Selfish, she thought with a huff.They have big dicks, and they think that's all they need.Her voyeur would be focused on her pleasure, she was certain. After all, they had been happy justwatchingher pleasure.Reason number 942 why it was a good idea to not go home with Brogan, she thought, sinking two fingers into her heat.

She wasn't sure how long she had been fingering herself for her unseen audience, only that the buzzing and chirping clicks seemed so close and so loud in her ears, it was as if they were practically in the room. Much like the last time, her fingers would not be enough to put her over the edge, but she had no shortage of aids to get her there. Sliding off the bed, she retrieved an innocuous looking bolster pillow from behind her bed pillows, and the goblin dildo and lube from her bedside table, pushing the bed a foot closer to the open window.If you’re going to give them a show, you may as well let them see everything.The pillow had been purchased from the same online store that sold the multi-species models, and had been worth every penny.

Straddling the pillow, she coated the bulbous silicone head in a generous dollop of the lube, whimpering as she rubbed it against her labia. She teased the tip of the head at the mouth of her sex, letting just the tip push in before raising herself, spurred on by the buzzing coming from the tree. When she sunk down onto the squat length with a gasp, it clicked in approval, several chirps of appreciation accompanying the dildo's wet squelch as she began to rock.

It was too bad she was swearing off all of this after tonight, Grace thought as she fucked herself on the goblin cock. Again, the presence of her audience left her barreling towards release, far faster than her solo play ever yielded before. A pity this would be the last time, she considered, thinking she might have begun with a little striptease next time, if she were going to repeat the performance.. She could start slowly, getting herself in the mood, teasing her pussy to wetness instead of diving right in, already dripping in arousal. She was too far gone tonight to make it last, and she knew as soon as she started rubbing herself, she would be done for. Her thighs tightened around the pillow as she increased the speed of her rocking, raising her hands to cup her breasts once more.

That was when it happened.

Something flicked over her clit, something that was not her fingers. Nothing had appeared in her window yet there was no tree-climbing werewolf suddenly in her bedroom, no random Hemming appearing with tongue extended, nor was her imagined lizard man or bat person there framed in the moonlight. Her goblin dildo had not suddenly sprouted an extra appendage, but then it happened again — a flicker over the sensitive pearl of her sex, then another, and another. Grace moaned as the flickering little licks continued, her hips nearly losing their rhythm.

Her peripheral vision caught a flash of movement, and she realized she could have simply put her hand down and caught whatever it was if it continued, but where would that have left her? She had no doubt that whatever it was, was coming from the buzzing presence outside her window, and if she stopped it, she was only hurting herself.Too bad you’re not going to do this again.The flicking lashes came more often then, almost as if whoever was in the tree grew bolder when she did not stop them. Her breath began hitching, her moan coming out as a wheeze. It feltincredibleand she wanted to finish this way, common sense be damned, so there was no incentive to stop them.

Her high-pitched gasps seemed sufficient to telegraph her intention of allowing them to continue, a chirrup of approval coming from her voyeur, right before the lashing little licks abruptly stopped. Her eyes popped open. Her head was swimming, and she was nearly dizzy from how close she’d been to her peak, aggravated that they’d stopped.Maybe they’re gone. Maybe someone saw them. Maybe they're at the front door, breaking in at this very moment-The pressure returned, a caressing flick before it fastened over her swollen clit, sucking with the steady, unabating pressure of a vacuum, and the world went white. Lightning shot up her spine, making her go rigid, as if she reallywerea live wire being sucked to electrocution.

She'd never had an orgasm quite like this, one that twisted behind her stomach, making her legs shake and go numb; her whole body trembling, every nerve ending she possessed coalescing into one. It all centered on her clit, which was still being sucked by her thirsty voyeur as if she were the last glass of water on earth. All she could do was grip the edge of the pillow she straddled and hold on for dear life as she shook.

Grace felt her vision begin to go spotty. She had never come this hard, nor for this long, the pleasure beginning to border on pain when the suction released. Whatever it was had wrapped around the swollen, throbbing bud, enveloping it in a slippery embrace, tugging gently as she slumped. Her muscles had clenched so tightly around the goblin dildo, she nearly felt cramped. She might have been embarrassed by the squelching pull of the slick-coated silicone any other time, but it was all she could do to keep from toppling over at that point, and she realized she was far past the point of mortification.

It was a shame she would be giving this up, Grace thought again, as a cloud of heaviness descended upon her once more. If she came this hard every night, she might never have issues sleeping again. She didn't bother covering herself as she dropped back against the mattress, eyes closing. Her mystery voyeur was still delivering gentle little licks to the side of her sensitive but satisfied clit, with a contented click and a chirp being the last thing she heard before she slipped beneath the veil of consciousness, and the world fell away.

♥ ♥ ♥