"I'm assuming so? He said that he starts his days in the late afternoon?"

"So you worked a full day yesterday and never even went home. He went over to his house in the evening after his meeting with Cal, he proceeds to fuck you senseless for the next sixteen hours or whatever –"

“It wasn't that long! Do you even know how to count?"

"He fucks you senseless," Caleia plowed on, undeterred, "presumably he gets his rocks off, and now he's snuggled up in bed while you're here, back at work, walking around bowlegged, dripping mothman jizz. Is that the jist of it?"

Grace sat back, defeated. "Yeah. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I think I'm going to go home early."

Caleia snorted. "You're an idiot for coming in at all. Was it at least worth not getting any sleep? Tell me he was at least good."

She dropped her head on the desk with a thud, wincing at the headache that had begun brewing behind her I sometime during the wedding consultation. "He was so good. It was criminal. When I tell you I have never had a man go down on me like that. It was like he was on death row and I was his last meal. He does this suction thing with his tongue and —" she trailed off, her clit quivering at the memory of what he'd done to it. "And his cock is like . . . I don't know, nothing I've ever seen before. It hitallthe right places. And he had never been with a human before! He could have been a virgin for all I know! I could have taken this sweet mothman's virginity last night, Caleia. Do you know what kind of responsibility that is? Every bone in my body feels bruised, I'm exhausted, and my head is pounding, but if he were to call me right now and ask if he could come over to eat me out again the way he did last night, I'd be sitting in my front yard with my legs open waiting for him."

They had both collapsed into giggles when the trailer door swung open, the tiefling from the farm stand popping her head in to borrow a file folder.

"Okay, so he eats pussy like a champ, he's very sweet and smart, you're obviously attracted to him. Why do I feel like there's a 'but' coming on? This is exactly the kind of guy you need! He's nothing like your ex, you just said so. So what's the problem?"

"He's probably not going to be around for long," she sighed. "He's here on a research fellowship through the University, and once the program ends or the funding is cut, he'll be on his way. He's moved around a lot from the sound of it."

"Well shit. What's the plan then? You gonna cut him loose?"

Grace closed her eyes again, trying to imagine breaking things off with the sweet, stammering mothman. She'd never survived the conversation, the sound of those little clicks and disappointed chirps would do her in. "No. He's so sweet, and I really do like him. Anyway, we've only been out twice. He might be a total asshole, you know? I just haven't found out yet."

"You're planning on finding out then?"

She hesitated for a long moment. It would be easy to walk away, easy and probably smart . . . But the thought of doing so twisted her lungs, the notion that she'd not hear those little chirps again leaving her feeling hollow.


"I'm planning on showinghim around town and enjoying his company for as long as he's here. I know not to risk my heart, but he’s so far he’s been sweet and funny, and I would be a fool to say no to having his face between my legs for as long as he's willing to put it there."

She left work a short while later, pleading a headache in the bright sunlight. Cal had waved her off, telling her to start the weekend early, and he'd see her on Monday. She'd spent on mortifying thirty minutes in her bathroom, squatting over the tub and bearing down with all her might, attempting to expel as much of his dripping seed as she could. She would never have let him finish inside her, she grumbled to herself as she dripped on the porcelain, had she known he was going to leave her sloshing with a gallon of moth cum, but it was too late for self recrimination. Live and learn. She was on birth control and a niggling little voice in her head told her he was fairly inexperienced. So you're a little sloshy today. Aren’t you happy knowing you were able to make him come that hard? You'll live.

When at last she climbed into her own bed, Grace considered everything that had transpired over the last 24 hours. Reaching for her phone, she scrolled until she reached his name. Merrick. She liked the sight of it there, and wondered if he kept the same number, regardless of where he lived at any given time.

"Your Cambric Creek sightseeing adventure starts this weekend. I was thinking first on the list would be the waterfall and Main Street. Are you free Saturday night?" She set the phone face down on her bedside table, knowing it would be hours before he responded. Snuggling into her pillow, she tugged the summer weight blanket up over her shoulders. She was going to learn something new about mothmen, she was going to show him around, they were going to have a ton of great sex, and they were going to have a good time.It doesn't matter how long he's going to be around. You can still have fun. Just don’t go falling in love and you’ll be fine.Closing her eyes, she ran the tips of her fingers over her forearm, trying not to notice the way she'd woken up that morning covered in a fine layer of his wing dust, soft and silky, dust she’d endeavored not to brush off all morning. A perfect cocoon of him, wrapped around her as she drifted to sleep.

♥ ♥ ♥