He sighed contentedly, curling around her. "Can we do that again?"

"Merrick! I'm pretty sure you Hoovered an entire layer of nerve endingsoff my clit. Obviouslywe're going to do that again." Grace pushed herself up from the mattress, even though she could've easily cuddled against him and gone to sleep for a century. She had mothmen to take care of, cocks to tease out, first time with a human blow jobs to give. She was generously going to let him eat her pussy again, but not until she learned what kind of noises he made when he came. "But not until we take care of you first.”

The corded muscle in the arms she gripped bunched, his mouth at her neck faltering, being replaced by a small, hesitant-sounding chirp. When she glanced down, it was to find the fluffy antennae which had been caressing her cheeks now flattened around his head.

“What’s wrong?”

His brow furrowed as he clicked, saying nothing for a long, weighted moment before kissing her throat gently."You-you’re so soft," he murmured, his voice a low hum. "So soft and delicate. I-I don’t want to hurt you . . . " He remained unmoved when she laughingly assured him she wouldn't break. "Humans are fragile. I'm a lot stronger than I look."

Grace sighed, sitting back to look him over with a considering eye. Tormand had done a number on her head, that was what she'd told him. When she'd run away from her marriage, her self-confidence had already fallen through a layer of barely there thin ice, leaving her gasping and frozen in the clutches of anxiety and self-doubt. That had been three years ago, and she still sometimes woke up in the middle of the night, clenching against phantom insults and small little cuts that, when put together, resulted in a gaping gash of a wound.

The humans he'd worked with over the years, she realized, had done the same. Nervous uncertainty and social anxiety very well may have been his default state, but he seemed incredibly preoccupied with what humans thought and how he expected them to act, and she knew those assumptions were born out of experience. It didn't matter how much she told him that Cambric Creek was different. He would need to experience it for himself. He needed to get out, see the town, make some friends.Here for a good time, not a long time.She pursed her lips, pushing away her inner voice. He might leave when the semester was over, funding for his program slashed or a more enticing position appearing in some South American jungle . . . But maybe the next position, the next town or mountain or jungle lab wouldn’t be as stress inducing, once he experienced Cambric Creek. You’re going to be his tour guide, she decided. But first, you’re going to suck his cock.

"You won't hurt me. And if you do something I don't like, I'll tell you, okay? And if you're not sure about something, just ask, and I'll do the same. This is the first time for both of us."

Garnet eyes avoided hers as she ran a hand down the long expanse of his body, his groin as soft and smooth as he was everywhere else. “Thereissomething in here, right?” His nod was accompanied by a nervous laugh; a laugh that cut off on a gasp when she traced over the nearly-hidden slit in his skin. “Well, I would like to personally extend him an invitation to come out and play.”

“Once it’s out there’s no—” His words choked off on a groan as she pressed lightly, encouraging his cock to unsheath. “Once it’s out it’s out.”

“I get it, no takesies backsies once it’s out . . . I don’t intend on leaving you unsatisfied, you know.”

A gust of wind suddenly shook the branches around them, loosing a spray of leaves into the loft, and Merrick took advantage of the distraction to vault himself from the bed, crossing to the trunk to hit the button that would extend the screen around the treetop dwelling.He’s not getting away that easily . . .There was a thick sheepskin rug beside the bed, cushioning her knees as she dropped to the ground before him as he returned to her.

“You’re not going to hurt me, and we’re both going to have fun . . . okay?” His hip bones were sharp beneath her lips, but the velvet of his dusky grey skin was soft as ever as she kissed the concave hollow of his stomach. Above her, his breath came out on a ragged exhale, capitulating to her demands. She wondered if he could feel her smile against his skin as she kissed across his hips, listening to the soft chirps and clicks he made, paying attention for any note of distress.

The suppleness of his velvet dragged across her lips as she considered his trepidation. He was strong, yes, but that hadn’t prevented any of the things he’d been only too happy to do with her up until that point.Maybe he’s worried about not satisfying you.She didn’t know anything about mothman anatomy, after all, maybe they were used to a speedy mating ritual . . .his cock might be as long and thin as his tongue.Still, she rationalized, he certainly knew how to use that tongue.It doesn’t matter.She liked him, and she would figure out a way to make it work. She didn’t know much about mothmen at all, she realized sheepishly.Every day you need to learn something new, starting today. Every day until he leaves.

The desperate chirps emitting from his throat had coalesced into something that resembled a buzzing whine as her mouth trailed lower, his long fingers winding into her hair to seek purchase against her scalp. When her lips landed at the top of the long slit in his velutinous skin, she felt a deep groan ripple down his spine; when she licked a wide stripe up the length of it, the hand at her head crushed her to his pelvis.

“I’m sorry!” he gasped, easing his grip, allowing her to pull back slightly.

There was a certain level of responsibility that came with being his first human, she thought again. He'd already seen to her pleasure, in the process of satisfying his own desperate desire to taste her, had expressed his nerves over her delicate anatomy and his fear of hurting her . . . he was doing everything right, and now she had a responsibility to ensure he enjoyed himself as much as she was. Running her palms down his long, leanly muscled thighs, she trailed a line of kisses up the length of his slit, following with her tongue once more. He was hot here, his skin heated by an internal fire bubbling beneath the surface of this intriguing opening, which had bulged beneath her mouth. The hands in her hair had returned with a lighter grip, although every pass of her tongue still earned a buzzing groan that seemed to vibrate in her core.

Grace used the tip of her index finger to stroke against the now slippery slit in his skin. She pressed into the opening, testing the give, finding that her finger was able to slip in easily. Hot and wet, slippery with a viscous lubrication, she stroked up the inside of the solid wall of muscle, feeling him quiver beneath her.

"Are you sensitive here?" She asked teasingly, clearly able to tell that he was, giggling at his slack-jawed nod."Is-is that okay?"

Merrick's fluffy antennae were standing on end, the long coil of his talented tongue hanging several inches out of his mouth. She could barely see his face around his puffed up mantle, but she managed to catch his wordless nod, that low hum the only sound he seemed capable of in the moment. Swirling her fingers, she coated them in his slippery lubrication before removing her hand to lick tentatively at her fingers. Salty and a bit sweet, not at all unpleasant. Grace grinned up at him, knowing exactly what she would do next.

When the hands at her head gently urged her forward, she resumed her attention on his slit. When her tongue pressed into the hot opening, it met the resistance of his cock, unseating slowly. The tip was smooth against her tongue, hot and wet, edging forward into the equally hot cavern of her mouth, and when she sucked it lightly, Merrick moaned, arching against her.

Dark pink and shiny, slick with its own lubrication, the tip tapered to an angled point and she tongued the flat edge of it. Her lips puckered around the slim length easily, she realized, not allowing herself to feel disappointed.It'll just be different, that's all.After all, she was having fun.Besides, you've already seen what he can do with that tongue . . .The slithering, slippery appendage had begun to widen at its base, and once the length in her mouth was equal to what one of his long fingers had felt like, she began to suck in earnest, gripping his trembling thighs for leverage. It might not be much, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to blow him like a pornstar.

She realized almost immediately her folly.

He surged forward, filling her mouth until she gagged, so wide that her jaw popped and it was a struggle to take a breath, until she pulled back gasping. It was shiny and wet, and what she’d assumed was the base was merely the start of the first swell. Slippery smooth and riddled with thick, pulsing veins, the vaguely S-shaped tentacle-like appendage was nothing she could have imagined.

Merrick’s red eyes had widened in concern, the hand in her hair disentangling quickly.

“This is okay!” she quickly clarified, wrapping her hand around the thick bottom swell, as big as her fist. “This is . . . good. Very good.”

Putting her mouth back to work, Grace resumed sucking on what she could comfortably fit in her mouth, using her hands to stroke the rest of the thick length, hoping he was reassured by her actions. His fingers re-tangled themselves in her hair, exerting the lightest pressure as she hummed, mimicking the steady, low sound he emitted. When his hips began to move, meeting her mouth, she released him with a wetpop, getting a good look at his fully unsheathed length. Thick and curving with a quivering tapered tip, his cock was more than she’d bargained for, and a ripple of concern for her cervical integrity moved up her back.No takesies backsies. . .

“C’mon big boy. I want to feel this monster inside me.” Her voice displayed a bravado her lady garden didn’t quite share, but ‘fake it til you make it’ had become her life’s motto and she wasn’t about to stop now. He was fully erect and, if his lightly thrusting hips were any indication, ready to fuck her into the next day, and she was going to make sure he enjoyed himelf as much as she’d enjoyed his oral ministrations, she decided, squaring her shoulders. She found herself being lifted back to the bed easily, legs spread wide as Merrick vibrated above her. The soft, wet glide of his tongue against her clit had her gasping in pleasure once more, before she felt the press of that tapered tip. He rocked gently, teasing her with the first several inches of his cock, his long fingers rubbing circles against her until she thought she’d go mad from the teasing sensation.

“M-more . . . please, more.” The thick bottom swell of his curving cock was a heavy pressure, and her eyes teared as it pushed into her, stretching far past the point of comfort.

“Is-is this okay?” he asked through clenched teeth, his control growing thin now that he was seated within her clenching heat.