"Do you want to come back to my place?" she repeated pointedly, not moving the hand that he still gripped. She wondered what it would take to rouse his cock from his hiding place, and she intended on finding out. "I know you said you have some work to do, but . . . maybe just for a bit?”Just long enough to fuck, at least once.

"Yes." His voice was a low scrape, the desire she heard in it vibrating against her chest, but his grip on her wrist did not relax. "But I shouldn't."

She pushed up onto her toes, the strong, solid length of him supporting her. He was so tall, she was still not quite able to reach his mouth, but he was able to feel the heat of her breath, clicking as he panted.

"Why not?” she whispered.

For a long moment, the only sound with his ragged breath and the increasing thunder of the approaching storm. They needed to leave soon, before the sky opened above them, but first she wanted an answer. His mouth quirked up slightly, his antennae dancing.

"You’re not one of those human women who likes to play bedroom bingo with other species, are you?"

Her mouth dropped open in shock, not expecting such a straightforward accusation from her bashful-seeming, stammering companion, but before she had a chance to feel mortified, both of her hips were locked in his iron grip as he pulled his body, holding her securely. His thin mouth was warm as it pressed to hers, and the thumb that pressed circles into her hips was rhythmic in its movement. Grace traced the shape of his thin, nearly non-existent lips with the tip of her tongue, and when she pressed into the hot cavern of his mouth, he purred against her, his twilight-colored wings vibrating in a frenzy. She had wondered over the texture of the mantle around his neck, and as she sunk gripping fingers into its pile, she wondered no longer. Incredibly soft, almost silky in texture and impossibly thick, she desperately wanted to know what it would be like to wake up with her bare body pressed to his, her face resting against this mound of fluffy softness. He pulled back far too quickly for her liking, lowering her gently back to the ground. Grace realized she hadn't even been aware her feet were dangling in the air, so secure his grip had been.

"For your information, Mr. Nosy, I haven't even been involved with anyone since I moved here. Are you one of those nonhumans who just likes dabbling in smaller species? Don't mothmen abduct women off bridges?"

"That's an urban legend, actually," he answered matter-of-factly, ignoring her outraged laughter. "And being a smaller species doesn't have anything to do with it."

"Did you like watching me?" She was enjoying the hammering of his heartbeat against her, even enjoyed the way he squirmed at the question.He liked it enough that he came back.

"Yes," he breathed, not bothering to deny it.

She would be shocked at herself in the morning, Grace knew, but that didn't matter at the moment. She felt as brave as she'd been those two nights when she performed for him desperately wanting to tease him into action.

"Do you want to have another taste? ''His groan against her was a rumble that went straight to her cunt, seeming to vibrate against her clit.

"Yes," he wheezed. “And that's why I shouldn't come over tonight.”

Grace opened her mouth to protest, but the storm had arrived. Another rumble of thunder, accompanied by fat rain droplets spattering the concrete platform. It was a matter of minutes before the sky opened on them, all the better reason for him to come back to her house.

"But I-I'd like to see you again? If you'd like to? That is, if I didn't scare you off with all the bats and hummingbirds."

She wasn't interested in dating, didn't want to spend an inordinate amount of time playing the let's get to know each other game, not when all she wanted was to find out how good he could make her feel, if he fucked as well as he sucked . . . but he was too sweet and adorable to say no to, she thought ruefully. Now she understood what men so often meant when they said they were taken in by kittenish looks and batting eyelashes. The nervous antennae flattened around his head were enough to make her say yes to anything he wanted.

"I'd like that. Maybe this weekend?"

Sure enough, the rain was pelting down by the time they left, the lizard couple long gone. She squealed, running the short distance from the observatory to her car, hunched under the protective cover of his wide wings.

"I'll call you this weekend?" He asked hesitantly, hunching at her window, his garnet eyes full of hope, heedless of the water that ran in rivulets down the sloped planes of his high cheekbones. They'd exchanged numbers in the building, and her stomach had flip-flopped again, typing his name into her phone.Merrick. It seemed oddly permanent, a ridiculous notion, but one she was unable to push away.

"That sounds perfect.” She grabbed at his hand before he was able to pull away from her window, that bubble of warmth in her chest not diminishing. “Good luck this week with your students. I'm sure you'll do great. And try to make some friends. You're not in an all human town anymore."

She leaned up, pushing her face through the open window until she was able to reach the corner of his mouth. Grace felt his breath stutter against her lips as she kissed him gently, the adorable chirp that came from his throat sending a lick of desire down her back.This weekend. We're going to tie him to the bed if we have to this weekend. A glance into her rearview mirror showed him still standing there, frozen in place as she pulled out of the parking lot, a long-fingered hand raised in parting.

She hung the soaking wet dress on the back of her bathroom door when she got home, slipping into a short cotton nightgown, and attempted not to think about how he managed to reignite the fire beneath her skin with his every adorable sound and gesture.I wonder what kind of sounds he’ll make when I try to suck his soul through his cock.Grace was certain he wasn't even her type. He was too nice, too sweet and shy . . .Wait, why isn't that your type? How do you even know what your type is? You went from dating humans to marrying a minotaur, with no in between. Are you saying assholes are your type?He was nothing like Torm, that was for certain. He wasn't much like anyone else she'd ever dated either . . . but, she considered, that wasn't a bad thing.

It wasn't until she was stretched out beneath her sheets that she realized her arms were lightly covered in a soft grey powder. She had a moment of panic, thinking it was something from the old observatory's ceiling, when she realized with a jolt that it had come from his wings, as he'd tented them over her. She gently stroked her fingertips against her arm, a trace of his soft velvet left behind, a new element to her fantasies. Rolling to her side, she leaned over to the bedside table, burying her nose in the small vase she'd placed there, inhaling the soft floral scent of the little bouquet.A return to happiness.

Grace flopped against her pillows, closing her eyes briefly, still trailing her fingers over the velvet powder he'd left behind before reaching back to the bedside table and opening the drawer.Too horny to think.It wasn't the way she'd hoped to spend the night, turning on her vibrator to check the battery power, but she'd not be able to sleep until she quenched the fire his soft, awkward chirps had ignited.This weekend.She wasn't looking for love, she reminded herself, settling back against her pillows. That didn't explain why the weekend seemed so interminably far away, she thought just before the whirring motor the vibrator obliterated her thoughts, the closest approximation to the buzzing of his wings she could manage.
