Yeah, business at the Main Squeeze was booming.

Jamie was so proud of Marcus, he was bursting at the seams.

He was so in love, he could barely see straight.

Life was…incredible.

Unable to help himself, Jamie cast another glance in his fiancé’s direction, but Marcus was no longer alone. His father and Joey had just joined him, both of them raising a hand in greeting to Jamie. He waved back, contentedness settling on his shoulders like a wool blanket.

Andrew nudged him in the side. “Go.”

Jamie surveyed the busy bar. “You sure?”

“Yeah, Rory is stopping by soon to give you a breather. I can cover until he gets here.”


Andrew clapped Jamie on the back. “Happy for you, man.”

Jamie’s throat pulled too tight for him to answer. He nodded and turned to leave, but he stopped short when he saw a familiar face passing through the crowded bar. It was the same cop that had watched them at the boardwalk a couple weeks ago. The same cop that Andrew had seen outside their house. Jamie and Andrew watched the man circle the bar, his eyes on the brothers all the while, before throwing them a salute and leaving the same way he came.

“Whatever it is, Andrew, we’ll handle it. Okay?” Jamie said. “Together.”

His older brother shoved a pen behind his ear and got to work pulling a pint. His smile was warm, but his eyes were distant. “Go enjoy yourself, Jamie. You deserve it.”

Jamie meant what he’d said. They would handle whatever came their way.

As brothers.

But if the cop had walked out the door, nothing was coming their way tonight.

Jamie latched on to the reprieve and went to go join Marcus, Mr. O’Shaughnessy and Joey at the table, vowing silently to work on the problem tomorrow. Tonight, however, was about the man who shot to his feet as Jamie approached with his heart in his eyes.


I, Marcus O’Shaughnessy, am marrying Jamie motherfucking Prince.

Life was sweet.

Better than sweet. For the last few days, he’d had to restrain himself from hugging random strangers everywhere he went. When he’d taken up residence underneath his bed, he’d thought life would never be worth living again—and now he was determined to live as long as possible so he could wring every drop of time with Jamie out of it.

Swear to God, Marcus had to concentrate on not flipping tables over, he was so alive and happy and invigorated. What man alive wouldn’t be, knowing they got to wake up next to Jamie for the rest of their lives?

Marcus frowned.

No man alive, that’s who. Except for him.

While weaving his way through the maze of tables and chairs, Jamie gave Marcus a secret half smile and Marcus’s jealousy melted like candle wax. He didn’t have to worry about things like Jamie finding someone else. Or not being good enough for Jamie. His fiancé loved him more than anything in the world—he’d told Marcus so, in those exact words. He’d been all mussed up at the time, too. Mussed up and naked and playing with Marcus’s hair—

Marcus’s cock started to swell and he let out a choked noise as the metal cage around his johnson prevented his erection from growing too large. Oh. Oh Jesus Christ. That felt terrible, painful and amazing all at once. Lust rippled through his abdomen and the blood in his head rushed south. No, no. Don’t go down there. There’s no room at the inn.

Jamie raised an eyebrow as he reached Marcus, his step slowing ever so slightly. “Everything okay?”

“Yes,” Marcus managed, a trickle of sweat rolling down his spine. “All good.”

You can’t spend every moment of the day horny. This is an important night.

Control your dick.

The moment Jamie and Marcus sat down, a girl tapped the mic at the front of the room. “Who’s ready to take the quiz and win some money?”

Marcus watched Jamie out of the corner of his eye. This is when his fiancé would pretend he didn’t want to participate but ultimately wouldn’t be able to restrain himself from showing off his intellect. Which is why Marcus had deliberately invited his father and Joey to meet them on this particular night, at this exact time. Jamie was so freaking smart—so sue Marcus, he wanted to show off his man.

Marcus slid the empty answer sheet onto the table, along with a pencil.

“Oh.” Jamie adjusted his glasses, sitting up a little straighter. “Are we doing the quiz?”

“Yeah, why not?” Marcus leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, well aware that he looked like a smug son of a bitch. “Might as well, since we’re here.”

“I’m just here for the beer,” Joey announced, tipping his Budweiser to his lips.

“I like trivia,” Marcus’s father said, leaning forward. “Count me in.”

Jamie smiled and ducked his head a little. “Cool.”

“Okay, pencils at the ready! We’re starting with a film and television round,” the quizmaster announced. “Question one. Never Say Never Again was the final James Bond appearance for which actor?”