Jamie was on the verge of saying yes, of course I’ll give you another chance. Saying yes, even though he’d been dead set on staying away from Marcus forever. When the man you love walks in and puts himself on the line in front of everyone for you, though? You don’t keep your head up your ass. You pull it out and hold fast to the lifeline he’s offering. And Marcus…was life. He’d become Jamie’s life, despite how opposite they were. Despite the odds against them. He was so in love with the man standing in front of him. The man offering his heart and the life Jamie had promised himself. No way he wouldn’t take it.

Before he could say anything, however, Marcus got down on one knee.

And pulled out a ring box.

Everyone in the store had a reaction. Rory and Andrew flanked him, as if prepared to hustle him out of there like bodyguards if he said the word. Joey—and seemingly every CrossFit bro in the shop—either whistled or dropped their jaws. Marcus’s father’s lips twitched.

Jamie’s eyes burned, as did the center of his chest. Oh my God. Was this happening?

“I wasn’t sure what my father was going to say, but I didn’t expect him to offer me my grandfather’s ring. To give to you. And as soon as he said it, Jamie, I knew there was nothing I want more in this fucking world than to be your husband. I think I’ve been practicing for a long time without giving it a name, you know? But I want to practice in front of the world now.” He opened the box and revealed a plain gold band, just a touch tarnished, but Jamie had a physical reaction to those perfect imperfections. Warmth spread through every inch of him, his heart rapping like a fist on a door. “Don’t just give me another chance,” Marcus rasped. “Give me the first, last and only chance you ever give another person to be your everything. If you do, I won’t just do better, I’ll do the best by you. Will you? Will you marry me, Jamie Prince?”

“Yes, Marcus.” Jamie swiped his forearm across his eyes, failing to keep his voice steady. “I love you, too and I’ll marry you. Tomorrow if you want. I don’t care if it’s crazy, I’m not me without you anymore. So can you please stand up now? It’s been over a week—”

Marcus didn’t just stand, he lunged, wrapping Jamie in a bear hug and knocking him back a step. Their mouths met and locked, Marcus’s fingers sliding into Jamie’s hair to cradle the back of his head as hoots and applause went up around them. Yeah, a few people left as Jamie and Marcus lost themselves in the kiss of a lifetime. But a lot more people stayed. The ones who mattered most stayed. And what Jamie and Marcus gained that day could withstand anything. Especially the test of time.


A few days later…

It was quiz night at the Castle Gate.

Jamie was working behind the bar, but Andrew had just shown up to relieve him for a couple of hours. So he could have dinner with his future father-in-law.

Even saying that in his head sounded weird.

But looking out over the crowded bar and catching Marcus staring at him like a lovesick fool made it a lot less weird. Made it kind of fucking unbelievably fantastic, actually. Damn right he was marrying that man. If he’d let himself be more objective during their week apart, he would have come to the conclusion that being without Marcus just wasn’t possible. It was hard to believe, but he’d fallen in deep, abiding love with the guy he’d once eye rolled and refused to take seriously. The guy had gotten under his skin. And that’s exactly where Jamie needed him to be. Forever.

Jamie winked at Marcus and went back to serving customers. A few more minutes and he could join Marcus at the table he was saving. Something pretty damn close to excitement tugged at his gut. Since the morning Marcus had proposed, Jamie had been staying at Marcus’s place. Joey and his father had stopped by a few times to have a beer, but most of the time, Jamie was on his way out to work, so they hadn’t had time to get to know each other. But Joey and Mr. O’Shaughnessy couldn’t have been more welcoming to Jamie. Joey even gave him an awkward, back slapping hug from time to time, which was hilarious, considering Jamie’s eye still needed healing.

Was he dreaming? Sometimes Jamie wondered. A few weeks ago, he’d been trying to avoid his unlikely, closeted friend. Now they were engaged. And their families were not only accepting, they were supportive as hell, Andrew and Rory included. One look at Jamie’s face after Marcus proposed and they’d taken turns shaking Marcus’s hand, then went back to making juice. Juice that had earned them five stars on Yelp and an insatiable customer base.