Those thoughts scattered a second later and all Marcus could think was, either way, I have great fucking taste. Because Christ, Jamie knew how to kiss like nobody’s business. And Marcus didn’t want it to be anybody’s business, unless it was his. Marcus was hit with a fair amount of jealousy as Jamie’s tongue licked at Marcus’s just long enough for him to mimic the rhythm, then…oh Jesus, then Jamie consumed, suctioning his mouth to Marcus’s and pulling deeply. So good. So perfect.

So perfect, in fact, it took a full minute of experiencing Jamie’s technique to realize it was careful and practiced.

Marcus broke the kiss with growl. “You holding back with me, Jamie?”

Jamie looked dizzy, his breath coming in bursts. “Have to. I have to.”

“Fuck that. Don’t kiss me like you’d kiss someone else—”

Jamie dove in with a choked sound, and if Marcus thought he’d been ruined for life and women before, it was proven when Jamie’s mouth moved unrestrained over his, no rhythm to speak of. Just lips colliding, tongues being brandished and sucked on, two sets of hands getting lost in two heads of hair. Lying full against Marcus’s chest, Jamie groaned into his mouth, their mouths slanting across each other, teeth baring and nipping, before resuming the kiss in an increasingly frantic pace.

In need of air, they broke apart and Jamie was the sexiest motherfucker he’d ever seen, his hair all messed up, mouth swollen, eyelids heavy. “Wow,” Marcus whispered.

Jamie’s breath hitched and Marcus could feel the distance Jamie suddenly searched for. Had Marcus said something wrong? He wanted to ask Jamie to please not try to create some kind of wall, but then Jamie unzipped his pants and Marcus could do nothing but gulp, watching with hunger multiplying in his gut as Jamie reached into his jeans. “What were you doing before I got here, huh?” Jamie’s fist moved in his jeans, his head falling back on an exhale. “Trying to convince yourself you don’t need this?”

Watching Jamie Prince touch himself was the hottest vision his eyes had ever been given the pleasure of seeing up close. And Marcus could no more stop his hand from creeping beneath the hem of his own sweatpants than he could live underwater.

“You’ve been watching the wrong shit and we both know it.” Jamie used his free hand to shove the jeans down his hips—and there was his cock. It was…wide. Thick. Kind of like a soda can. It had an upward curve to it that made Marcus’s own dick grow fatter in his fist. “Want to know what I watch? Want me to give you your own private show?”

“Yes,” Marcus rasped. “Please.”

Jamie looked Marcus right in the eye and started to jerk himself off in earnest, faster and faster with his mouth dropped open. Marcus thought Jamie was moaning, but it turned out to be him. Marcus’s fist held his cock in a brutal grip, stroking it top to bottom fast enough to make his balls bounce painfully.

“You like that, don’t you?” Jamie asked.

Moisture leaked from the head of his dick. “Oh fuck. Fuck. Yes.”

“Let me see what’s in your pants,” Jamie said hoarsely. “Show me where all that frustration is coming from. It gets hard for different things these days, doesn’t it?”

“Yes. Yes.”

“Even when you don’t want it to.”

Sides heaving, Marcus nodded his head several times.

“It gets hard for me.”

“Jesus Christ,” Marcus moaned. “So hard, babe. I can’t make it stop.”

He wasn’t going to survive this. His body was wrapped in flames and every muscle was taut to the point of agony. God. God, he’d never been this turned on or desperate for relief in his life, but at the same time, he didn’t want it to end. Once it was over, he could only get back here by making hard decisions again. Again. Right now, he was already in it, no turning back and there was so much freedom in that, he could barely handle it.

Jamie leaned down and engaged him in a rough kiss that made Marcus thrust harder into his own grip. “Babe, huh?”

“Yeah,” Marcus said gruffly.

Jamie stared at him with a line between his brows, before seeming to shake himself. He looked down at his own cock and Marcus followed his line of vision, memorizing the sight of Jamie fucking his own hand, moisture sliding down the head of his shaft. “Have you thought about tasting it?”

Marcus wet his lips. “When nothing else can get me off…that’s what does it.”

“No one’s going to know if you think of it first instead of last, Marcus,” Jamie said, kissing his mouth over and over, turning his mind to mush. “No one is patrolling your thoughts.”

“You would know,” Marcus muttered thickly. “You’re in them constantly.”

Jamie’s chin jerked up. “We…” he started, for once without the right words. “I think we should stop.”