Page 19 of The Marked


I fearedthe commander had caught an illness given how hard he suddenly coughed. He turned his back to me, hands braced on the counter, shoulders hunched.

“Are you ill?” I asked. It happened in the Caves quite often, a sickness of the lungs that, if not properly treated, would kill.

“I’m not sick.”

“Good. Where shall we breed? Here, or is there a specific chamber?” Serena had said the act should be conducted in private.

He turned slowly around. “So eager. Do you even know what is expected of you?”

Thankfully, I recalled what Serena had told me. “Breeding involves you placing your phallus within me to release a fluid, which will make a child.” I was so proud of how bravely I said it, even as my heart raced.

He sighed. “You make it sound so clinical.”

“Is that not correct?”

“Oh, it’s right.”

“How should I position myself to receive your phallus?”

He grimaced. “I’m not in the mood.”

“You have to be in the mood for breeding?"

“Some don’t, but I do.” His expression had the oddest twist to it.

“Oh. How do I get you in the mood?”

“You don’t have to do anything. That’s the problem,” he grumbled. “This was a bad idea.”

I didn’t need an explanation to understand his sudden regret. “I am sorry if I talk too much. I was always getting zapped for it. Guess the zaps didn’t work as well as they should have since I can’t seem to help myself.”

“It’s not the questions. While, at the same time, it is. It’s…” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve never actually had to deal with someone like you before.”

“A marked one?”

He gestured with his hands. “Someone so naïve about the world.”

There was a term I actually knew. “I might be new to the experience you’re introducing, but if you asked my old mentor, she would tell you I am an apt learner.”

“I have no doubt you are.”

He might have said more, or I would have definitely asked more questions, if something hadn’t buzzed.

His head half turned. “I’m being paged, which means I have to leave.”

“Leave? Where are we going?”

“Not we. Me. You’ll stay here.”

Alone in this vast cubicle with all its curiosities?

I smiled. “Okay.”

He frowned. “Will you be okay? There’s much you don’t know.”

“Pretty sure I remember how to sleep.” I couldn’t wait to try the bed.