But always,


lots and lots of sex.

Once the genie was out of the bottle, there was no going back. I had awoken something crazy in Ryan. Once I got him talking dirty, there was nothing he didn’t want to do.

And truth to tell, with us OMing all the time, I was a wild woman as well. My libido had been reawakened from its depression over Derek, and now I spent the day in a fairly constant state of sexual arousal. Fifteen-minute orgasms several times a day can do that to a person.

My only reservation was that I was afraid the MacCruders could hear us. Ryan assured me that wasn’t the case, going so far as to make me stand outside while he shouted at the top of his lungs from the main bedroom. I could hear him, but it was incredibly faint. There was probably no chance they would hear us, and even if they did, I consoled myself with the idea that it might help Mrs. MacCruder spark some life into her husband. Or at least get him to say more than four words at once.

Anyway, between my rediscovered sex drive and Ryan loosening up, we went on a wild binge of checking items off his bucket list.

The first thing he came up with was sex outside at night – which I immediately nixed because of the cougar.

He then suggested doing it outside during the day, which led to the next adventure we had.


It all started when he was working in the barn. It was a warm day out, so I brought him a glass of lemonade. But to make it extra special, I wore my Daisy Dukes and tied my long sleeve shirt above my midriff.

He was barely interested in the lemonade. After a couple of gulps, he put down the glass and pulled me against him. He took full advantage of the high-cut shorts, running his fingers under the edge of the denim and caressing the curves of my ass.

I giggled and pushed him away. “The MacCruders are going to be scandalized if they walk in here and find us.”

“They’re in town right now.”

“Oh reeeeally.”

“Yep,” he said, and pulled me back in.

As he kissed my neck and ran his fingers down my bare lower back, I looked idly around through half-lidded eyes. There was a lot of hay – both packed in rectangular bundles, and strewn about in huge piles of loose straw.

“We could go for a roll in the hay,” I murmured, not even realizing the words had slipped out until I heard myself speak them.

Ryan stopped nibbling me long enough to stand up straight and look me in the eye. A mischievous smile crept across his face. “Really?”

I figured I might as well play the part to the hilt, so I tilted my head to the side coquettishly. “Well, it might make up for me not wanting to go outside at night.”

“I keep telling you, the cougar wouldn’t bother us if we keep to the fields.”



“You go on horseback rides with me now that I’m carrying the rifle.”

“Not when I’m naked, I don’t.”

“Hmm…” he grinned.

I swatted him. “One thing at a time.”

He laughed and looked back at the hay.

“I’ve never done that before,” I purred.

“Neither have I.”

Given his rather limited romantic past in high school, that didn’t surprise me – but I decided to tease him all the same. “There wasn’t any little country girl you used to sneak away with when the moment was right?”

He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Would you like to be that little country girl for me?”

I moaned as he started kissing me again. “Yes…”

He took my hand and led me over to the hay. Now that we were about to do it, though, I suddenly got anxious. “But they could walk right in.”

“I told you, they’re in town,” he whispered as he softly kissed my neck.

“Yeah… but if they come back…”

He stopped and looked around thoughtfully. His eyes rose up to the hayloft. “Climb that ladder.”

I surveyed the rickety wooden frame and looked back dubiously at him, but Ryan urged me forward, so I grabbed the rungs and started climbing.

As soon as my ass was in the air, I could feel his fingers running up my thighs and caressing my legs. I even felt a little kiss on the back of my right knee.

“At least wait until I get up there,” I laughed.

“Can’t do it,” he said as he kissed my calf.

Somehow we made it to the second level without having sex on the way.

The loft was a different world. Sunlight filtered through the single open window, casting the entire place in a haze of golden light. Up in the rafters, I could hear a couple of pigeons cooing.

There were bundles and bundles of hay, but nothing loose.

“What are we gonna roll around in?” I asked.

He pulled out a pocketknife and cut the strings on the bales, then spread out a pile of spun gold.

“Your roll in the hay awaits, madam,” he said as he pulled my body against his.

“Why, thank you, kind sir,” I said as I hooked my arms around his neck.

We begin to kiss, soft and slow and sensuously. Everything was so wonderful – the warmth of the sunlight, the cooing of the birds, the clean, fresh smell of the hay, the feeling of his hands gliding across my exposed skin.

We slowly undressed each other, tossing our clothing piece by piece on the floor. There wasn’t any hurry; we luxuriated in every opportunity to touch each other’s newly exposed skin.

Finally we were completely naked, my softness against his firm, muscular body. His cock was already standing straight at attention, pressing hard against my belly. I made it even harder with a few soft strokes of my fingers.

“Lie down,” I whispered.

He lowered himself into the hay, then beckoned to me with his hands. I lay down on top of him, my head facing his cock, my ass in the air. I began kissing up and down his shaft, starting from his balls and slowly working upwards. Behind me, he moaned and gently stroked the globes of my cheeks.

I put my thumb between his lower abs and the base of his cock and lifted it up at an angle. At the same time, I felt his mouth dart soft and wet over the insides of my thighs, slowly trailing up to the ‘v’ of my legs. As I took his swollen head between my lips, I felt my other lips caressed by his tongue, and I gasped.

We begin to slowly lick each other, me working my way down his shaft, rubbing it with my hand, getting it slick with my spit so that I could stroke him and suck at the same time. He propped up his head on a bundle of clothing and went to work, his tongue slowly parting my lips, then slipping inside me, then letting his tongue trail out to softly excite my clit.

I began to moan and take him deeper in my mouth, tasting the first hint of his salty pre-cum. Down below, he inserted two fingers inside my pussy and let his tongue trail up towards my ass, both surprising and delighting me. I hadn’t known he had it in him, but in a few seconds he was softly, gently entering my ass with his tongue as his fingers played over my g-spot. I was so blissed out that I would pause every so often, his cock deep in my mouth, and just feel him as he played with both my ass and pussy. Then my senses would return, and I would go back to caressing his shaft with my lips, wetting him down and stroking him more.

As much as I was enjoying his efforts, mine were ultimately more successful. After a few minutes I felt his tongue retreat, and I heard him whisper, “Kaitlyn – Kaitlyn, stop. If you don’t stop, I’m going to come – Kaitlyn, stop, I’m going to come if you keep doing that – ”