“It was just this once – it was

one goddamn time,

Kaitlyn – I didn’t sleep with anybody else since you showed up, I swear to God.”



need to stop swearing to God,” I snapped. “That’s how I know you’re lying.”

“Okay, fine – I


you, I didn’t sleep with anybody else the last six weeks. I’m telling the truth.”

I believed him.

But I didn’t care.

“And you think that makes it okay?”

“I – no – JESUS!” He was angry now, like a spoiled little boy, frustrated that his puppy-dog eyes hadn’t gotten him out of trouble. “I said I fucked up – I said I’m sorry – what more do you want out of me?”

“I don’t want anything out of you,” I said coldly. “I don’t want anything from you ever again, except to stay the fuck away from me.”

Now he was back to pleading. “Kaitlyn – I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I fucked up, I know I fucked up – I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Just give me another chance – PLEASE – just give me one more chance. I won’t cheat on you ever again.”

“Now we both know you’re lying,” I hissed. “Want to swear to God to make it official?”

The look of rage that came over his face terrified me. He bellowed like a bull, turned and swung at the wall – and his hand punched a hole through the painted surface. When he drew it back out, his knuckles were smeared with blood and white dust.

“YOU cheated on YOUR boyfriend,” he seethed. “YOU cheated on him with ME. But I guess since it was YOU doing the cheating, that makes it alright, huh?”

It was like he had plunged a knife into my stomach… then twisted it and ripped it out the side.

It almost hurt worse than finding out he’d cheated on me.


My eyes blurred with tears, but I saw the look of regret and panic on his face.

“Kaitlyn – ” he said softly, and reached out to me.

I flung up my hands, warding him off.

“Stop,” I choked out. “Don’t.”

“Kaitlyn, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean – ”

“I can’t do this,” I said, the tears running down my face. “I can’t do this right now.”

He tried to touch me again. “Kaitlyn – ”

“Please, STOP,” I cried out. Now I was breaking down, physically shaking and bawling. “I just… stop.”

He stood there, his arms by his side, looking like he was in agony, unsure of what he should do.

“I… I have to go,” I sobbed, and I walked past him and out the door.

He didn’t try to stop me.