I never knew somebody could do so little, and it still feel so goddamn good.

I also didn’t move. At least, not in the last half of the OM. I learned my lesson fairly early. I was getting so excited that I started to move my pelvis, grinding my hips – and he slipped off the spot. It was exactly like when you’re having incredible sex, the guy’s pounding away, you’re about to come, and – suddenly the guy’s cock slips out.

Instant buzzkill.

Ryan recovered quickly, and that warm, sweet, sugary pleasure came back – but I controlled my grinding after that. I just kept my body as still as possible, and let him stroke me over and over, the pleasure building, never stopping. It felt so good, I didn’t want him to move off that spot at all.

The only thing I did was touch him. GRAB him, really. I latched onto his leg with my right hand and squeezed every time I went up another swell of ecstasy. I think I probably left a bunch of palm-sized bruises on him, I was squeezing him so hard each time I crested another wave.

I was in outer space, contractions rolling through my body, heat and pleasure rushing through me from my head down to my feet, my toes curling in ecstasy. I had just finished another peak when the timer went off.

At first I didn’t know what the noise was. All I heard was wind chimes, quiet and remote. I guess I thought that maybe there were some outside the house somewhere, even though I’d never heard them before.

Actually, that’s not accurate, because I wasn’t thinking at all. I was coming down from another series of gently rolling orgasms, and I didn’t register anything at all beyond a dim acknowledgement of

Huh, pretty tinkly sound.

And then the pleasure stopped.

The stroking ceased as Ryan murmured, “Okay, time’s up. Now we do something called – ”

“OH MY GOD, NO!” I pleaded.

I think I almost gave him a heart attack.

He looked down at me in alarm – and then his expression settled into amusement. “That good, huh?”

I half-sobbed, half-shuddered out my reply:


don’t stop.”

He seemed to consider. “Well… this is basically your standard, vanilla OM… but there’s other stuff we could do that’s a little more intense…”

I was panting, wanting his touch on my clit again. “Do it, please, just do it.”

He looked down at me, and for the first time I noticed how turned-on he looked. Like there was this dark look of hunger and desire I hadn’t registered before. He was lying on his stomach next to me, and I couldn’t see it – but if I had to guess, I would have said his cock was rock hard.

“…are you sure?” he asked in a low, growling voice. For the first time ever, I felt a tiny hint of the intoxicating danger I had experienced so often with Derek.

“Do anything you want to me, just keep doing whatever it was you were doing,” I begged.

And then he blew my mind again.


He put his finger back on the spot, and I felt the


of that instantaneous electrical sweetness. Then he began to stroke, which sent me off into another whirlwind of ecstasy.

But this time, instead of using the tip of his thumb, he slid all of it inside me. Not only was I getting more sensation, and the feeling of being slightly more filled up – but he began putting pressure against my inside wall, gently massaging towards the left.

Sweet baby Jeebus.

That pressure, against


place inside me, wasn’t something I normally felt. The novelty and pleasure of it – combined with being on the orgasm rollercoaster again – made me let out a strangled moan.

Then he began moving his thumb, putting more pressure in other places… like down, towards my ass, softly stroking me inside.

I could feel my pussy grasping him tighter, and I wished I was feeling his gorgeous, thick cock completely filling me up.


thought sent me into another series of crazy contractions.

Suddenly, the pressure slipped away.

I felt like yelling


but then something thicker slowly pressed between my lips.

I looked down and saw that he was using two fingers now.