“What’s wrong?” he asked, alarmed. He put the ice and towel down on the bed and sat down beside me. “Does it hurt a lot worse?”

I reached up and put my hand on his face… and then placed it behind his neck. And slowly pulled him down to me.

His eyes widened in surprise. “Kaitlyn – ” he whispered, right before I kissed him.

It was a beautiful kiss. Soft and gentle, filled with the sweetness of just having cheated death – and the joy of being with someone you’d just figured out you were in love with.

After about twenty seconds of his lips on mine, he pulled away and looked me in the eyes. He looked a little bewildered. “…are you… going into shock or something?”

I burst out laughing, and pulled him down to kiss me again.

This time the softness and gentleness yielded a bit more to passion.

I brushed my lips over his and opened them up to him. He paused just the slightest, and then I felt his tongue, warm and soft, slowly enter me.

He put his hands around my face, cradling me as though I were something precious, as he slowly, sensually deepened our kiss. I pulled him in, sucking on him, tasting him, growing wet with the idea of more.

When he finally broke off, he pulled away to look at me.

He smiled.

I smiled back, then whispered, “Take off my clothes.”

His smile dropped away in surprise. “Are you – are you sure?”

“Take off my clothes.”

“But your leg – ”

I got up right against his ear and just barely breathed into it, “Take off my clothes. And take off yours, too.”


Our eyes stayed locked as he unbuttoned my jeans and began to pull them off. The only time he looked away was so that he could concentrate on getting the pants leg over my hurt ankle. He was so careful… so gentle. Like I was incredibly precious, and that he would do anything to make sure I was alright.

I arched my back to help him. Once my jeans were off, I was lying there in my underwear, with my bare legs against the bedspread.

He just looked at them in wonder and a kind of hunger, like he had wanted to see them for so long, but never thought he would be able to. He trailed his fingers along my calf, then over my knee and up to my thigh, slowly brushing his skin across mine.

I shivered with pleasure. (And was eternally grateful that I had shaved last night.)

I started to undo the buttons on my long-sleeve shirt –

“Wait,” he whispered, his voice thick with desire. He moved across the bed and took over. One by one he undid the buttons, then slowly pulled back the two halves to reveal my bra.

He stared at my breasts beneath the black lace, and I could hear his breathing change.

His eyes wandered up to mine.

“Now you,” I whispered.

He pulled off his boots and stood up. I watched him with the same rapt attention he had given me. He unbuttoned his shirt, then let it drop to the floor. God, he had a nice body. Long and lean, with hard, flat muscles. Very little chest hair, but a nice little happy trail along his pronounced abs… which I got to see more of when he unbuckled his belt and slipped off his jeans. Long, strong legs underneath… cotton boxers… and a bulge beneath the cloth that made my mouth water.

He sat back down on the bed beside me.

I struggled up onto my elbows so I could get rid of my shirt. The whole time I was looking at that firm shape beneath his underwear.

As soon as my shirt was on the floor, he leaned over and kissed me again. Warm, soft, deep. I closed my eyes and relaxed in bliss… and then felt his large hand, calloused from his guitar playing, hesitantly touch my bra.

I reached up and put my hand over his, pressing him against my left breast.

He began to caress me, stroking his fingers across my skin.

I reached out to his leg… trailed up his thigh… found the cotton of his boxers… and kept going until I found what I wanted.

My fingers touched the hard shape beneath the cloth and gently closed around it.

Oh God – I felt it strain against my touch.

He made a low, throaty sound as he continued to kiss me. I felt his hands reach around me, and seconds later my bra slipped off my shoulders.

I released my hold on his cock long enough for him to remove the bra completely. Then I fumbled my hand back to his lap and continued stroking him as he cupped my breasts in his palms, toying with their weight, brushing his thumbs against my erect nipples.

Throughout it all, he never stopped kissing me. His tongue just played across mine, hot and wet and sensual.

Feeling him through the cloth was nice, but I wanted more. I slid my fingers over and found the front flap of his boxers… and slowly inched my fingers inside.


The softness of his skin, the hardness of his shaft… I wrapped my hand around him and began to caress him up and down, brushing against the ridge of his swollen head, feeling the veins beneath his skin.

Finally he broke off our kiss – but only so he could move his mouth down to my breasts. He sucked gently at first, then greedily at my left nipple, running his tongue around the swollen tip.

I arched my head back and moaned with desire. As he moved his wet tongue from one breast to the other, I worked his cock free of his boxers and began to stroke him more vigorously.

“I need to go get a condom,” he gasped.

I thought about telling him we could have unprotected sex – that I was on the NuvaRing – but I figured that could wait.

“Okay,” I whispered back.

He stood up, grinned like a kid on Christmas morning, and leaned over and kissed me. “Be right back.”

While he was gone, I took the opportunity to pull off the bedspread and toss it on the floor.

Ryan was back within thirty seconds, a strand of condom packages trailing from his hand. He stopped at the doorway and gawked at me.

I was sitting up on the bed after throwing the bedspread off. I looked at him over my shoulder, my hair spilling down my back, and consciously thrust my breasts out the tiniest bit.

“My god, you’re gorgeous,” he whispered.

I smiled at him, and then sat on the edge of the bed. “Come here.”

He walked over in front of me, his cock jutting stiffly upwards. I worked him back inside his boxers, then pulled the waistband over the head and tugged his underwear down over his hips and ass and thighs until they dropped to the floor.

Oh my.

His cock was right there in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed. It wasn’t incredibly long, but it was definitely bigger than average. He was also a lot thicker than I was expecting, maybe because his body was on the thin side.

Brown curls formed a heavenly little thatch around the base of his shaft. I trailed my fingers over them, then cupped his sack and balls in my palm. His cock jumped the slightest, and a bead of pre-cum welled up on the slit of his head.

I don’t know why… I normally didn’t like giving head… but I had the strangest urge to kiss him down there.

I looked up. “Have you been with anybody since Kristin?”

She was his ex-girlfriend, whom he’d broken up with a month before I had joined Bigger on tour.

He gazed down at me with an expression of slight alarm. “No… I haven’t been with anybody else.”

I smiled at him, and leaned forward and kissed the head of his cock.
