“Don’t worry, most of it was good. The rest of it I probably shouldn’t repeat – although I’m sure you know by now that my sister has a huge crush on you.”


Riley yelled – and then, wonder of wonders, she blushed.

I never thought I would live to see the day when Riley Wojtalik – hard-drinking, skirt-chasing, ‘I don’t give a fuck about nothin’,’ punk-rock drummer – actually blushed.

And on my account.

I joined Megan in laughing. “I wouldn’t call it a crush, but that’s good to know.”

Riley was totally abashed and not saying anything. Megan elbowed her good-naturedly, to which Riley reacted by grumpily pushing her away.

“Well, I hate to say ‘hi’ and then ‘bye,’ but I have to run to the hospital,”

Megan said.

“It was a pleasure to meet you.”

“Same here.”

“Bye, Ryan!”

“Bye, Megan. Talk to you later.”

“Gimme a kiss,”

Megan said to Riley, who was pouting with her arms crossed.

“C’mere, gimme a kiss – ”

Megan planted a kiss on Riley’s cheek, and the little drummer girl went


like a kindergarten boy getting touched by a girl.

“Ugh! Go on, get out of here! Tryin’ to embarrass my ass all over the internet…”

Megan laughed and ruffled Riley’s hair affectionately.

“Watch the hair, watch the hair!”

Riley complained, and shooed her off. But she watched her go with a grin on her face. When a door closed in the distance, Riley turned back to the camera.

“She’s great, isn’t she?”

“She’s awesome,” I agreed.

“Oh, and Blondie – fuck that whole ‘crush’ thing. You know I just wanted to tap dat ass.”

“Thank you for clearing that up, Riley,” I said with mock appreciation.

“Why the fuck are you there with Ry?”

I paused. “How much do you know about Derek’s and my fight?”

She shrugged.

“Not much. He came to the penthouse lookin’ for you, said you flipped out and he couldn’t find you. That was about it. Then I left and caught my flight.”

I grimaced. “I caught him cheating on me.”


she said, and I appreciated the look of shock that played across her face.



Then she grew angry.

“Fucker didn’t tell me THAT.”

“Yeah, I figured.”

“So you two are quits?”


“GOOD. Good fuckin’ riddance. For you, I mean. He’s a dipshit.”

I really appreciated her support. Again, she had surprised me.

Then she went back to being Riley.

“Offer to bang’s still on the table, by the way, now that you’re single again,”

she said impishly – and then realized something.

“Or ARE you still single?!”

She looked at Ryan.

“You dog, you – you been hittin’ that Georgia peach ass out there in Cowtown?”

“NO!” I yelped, a little louder than necessary.

Ryan rolled his eyes. “No, Riley, we’re just friends.”

“No wonder you haven’t been fuckin’ any sheep – ”

“Riley,” Ryan warned.

“Fine, FINE. I am-a so happy-a for-a you both-a,”

she said in a fake Italian accent. God knows why. Maybe that was her mocking way of being ‘fancy’ or ‘upscale’ or something. Then she grew serious.

“Does Douchebag Numero Uno know she’s hangin’ out with you?”

“No, and we’d like to keep it that way,” Ryan said. “Can we count on you to keep it quiet?”

“Yeah, yeah, of course!”

I crossed my arms. “Derek’s not ‘Douchebag Numero Uno.’”

“Oh GOD, she’s still in love with him,”

Riley groaned.

“I am NOT,” I said, protesting too loudly once again.

“Did he cheat on you?”

“…yes,” I said, grumpy to have to admit it.

“Then he’s Douchebag Numero Uno, and don’t you forget it.”

Suddenly Riley grew



“Ry… you two can’t hook up, you KNOW that, right? Or if you do, you got to keep that shit on the DOWN-LOW, man.”

“We’re not hooking up!” I protested again, louder than ever.

“She’s just staying here,” Ryan agreed. “Nothing funny’s going on.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,”

Riley said dismissively with a wave of her hand.

“But if Derek finds out, that’s IT. That’s the end of the fuckin’ band. You know that, right?”

“But we haven’t been


anything,” I insisted.

Riley looked at me like,

Get REAL, bitch.