We took little breaks, drank water and wine, talked and whispered, touched and caressed… but we most


did it again.

Three more times, by my count.

It was after four AM when we finally dropped off into a deep slumber, our bodies intertwined.

I woke up sometime after ten AM. I looked around me in wonder, hardly believing what had happened – or how lucky I was. Two gorgeous men on either side of me, the golden sunlight kissing their naked bodies, their cocks looking delectable as they slumbered.

Neither of the boys was awake yet, so I carefully extracted myself, went into the bathroom and freshened up. Then I came back and reinserted myself back into the mix.

Both guys opened their eyes sleepily as I slid between them.

“Holy shit… did we do what I think we did?” Derek murmured.

“Several times,” I giggled.

“Wow,” Ryan muttered. Then he looked at me. “Did you… was it everything you hoped it would be?”

I kissed him. “Without a doubt, last night was the best night of my entire life.”

“Really?” Derek asked, propping up his head on one arm.

“Yes. Thank you… both of you. Really. What you both did for me… that was the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced.”

I kissed Derek – then Ryan. Hot… soft… erotic.

“Are you okay?” I asked Ryan.

He looked to the side, like he was sorting through his feelings – and then he looked at me and smiled. “Yeah.”

I looked over at Derek. “How about you?”

He raised an eyebrow and looked over at Ryan, then looked at me. “It’s not exactly the kind of situation I would have


for, but…” Then he slowly grinned. “Yeah, I’m okay. What about you?”

“I’m more than okay,” I said, and kissed them each again in turn.

“Well… what do you want to do now?” Ryan asked.

I let my hands trail down to their thighs, and lightly caressed their soft, heavy cocks – which suddenly weren’t so soft anymore.

“I want to do it again,” I whispered.

They didn’t need much persuading.


My first threesome. With two rock stars. Whom I both loved.

I have to admit, I was probably the most surprised of us all that it worked out.

Except maybe for Riley.

When she cornered me alone later that day, she said, “I saw you walk out with both of ‘em, and you were all wearin’ the same clothes you had on last night. So what happened?”

“We, uh… we came to an understanding.”

She narrowed her eyes into slits. “What


of an understanding?”

“Nevermind. We, uh… we’re all, um…”

Her eyes bugged out. “Did you do both of them?”

I didn’t want to dignify that with an answer, but I think my blushing did it for me.

“At the same time?!” Riley cried out.


Riley shook her head in wonder and gave me a fistbump. “Daaaamn, Blondie… you got



Considering the source, that was probably the biggest compliment I’ve ever gotten in my entire life.

So, yes, I was surprised it all worked out that one time – but I was even more surprised that it


to work out. Five months so far, without any major complications.

The guys had their jealousies at first – the normal territorial caveman bullshit:

You my woman – rawwrrrr!

But when I held fast to the ‘either both of you or neither of you’ rule, they sorted their problems out pretty quickly.

As for Derek and my problems, we had a frank conversation after just a couple of weeks.

“I still don’t trust you… not completely,” I said.

“But I’m being faithful to you.”

“Maybe you are – ”

“I AM!”

“ – but I’m kind of gun-shy about this.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed.”

“I don’t know how to get over it.”

He thought for a long time. “Look… I


going to be faithful to you, no matter what… but I can understand you not trusting that. Not at first. So how about this: I swear – no, forget that. I absolutely



– that if I ever sleep with anybody else, I’ll tell you. Either beforehand, or afterwards. I’m not


to sleep with anybody else, mind you – but I promise I’ll tell you. You’ll never have to wonder if I’m sleeping with somebody else, because I’ll tell you no matter what.”