
“It never entered your mind, not once?”


Ryan’s eyebrows raised. “Oh.”



floored me: Mr. Nice Guy had apparently been under the impression I wanted a threesome with him and his romantic rival.

And that he’d apparently been willing to go along with it.

Which was starting to turn me on.

I pointed at myself. “You thought… we were… I wanted…”



Derek laughed. “Because we had decided we would do that… here… tonight… if that was the only way to get you to stay.”


Ryan smiled. “You keep saying ‘no’ a lot.”

“Because that’s CRAZY!”

Derek cocked his head. “Is it?”


“So… you’re not even curious what it would be like?”

I was about to say ‘no’ – but I could tell by how wet I was getting that I was actually



But after a second’s hesitation I said “No!” anyway.

Ryan crossed his arms. “That wasn’t as loud as last time.”

I shook my head. “We’re not doing that.”

“Why not?” Derek asked.

“Because… because…”

I was struggling for reasons.

Because good girls don’t do that! HOLY SHIT!

I was so turned on it wasn’t funny.

But I still couldn’t admit that.

“Because you two can’t handle it,” I said, throwing up a smokescreen. “You’re so competitive, you’ll be measuring dicks in five seconds and that’s all it will be.”

Ryan sighed. “No we won’t.”

“He already knows mine is bigger,” Derek joked.

“Since you


a dick, yeah, I’d have to agree,” Ryan said.

“See? You’re doing it already!” I yelled.

“It was a joke,” Derek groaned and Ryan agreed at the same time.

I turned to my boyfriend. “Well – why would


want to do it, since you don’t have to?”

“I don’t


to do it – but I guess I’d come to terms with it,” Ryan said. “Plus, I guess there’s a certain amount of morbid curiosity. If I don’t see him with you, I’ll always imagine what he does to you, and it’s going to drive me crazy not knowing.”

“Same here,” Derek agreed. “There’s got to be some reason you wouldn’t just run off with me, so… I wanna know.”

Okay, at that point I was so turned on, my panties were soaked.


“If we do it and it doesn’t go well, you’ll be all jealous, and then everything blows up.”

Ryan shrugged. “Actually, I’m going to be insanely jealous anyway, wondering what you two are doing behind my back. At least this way I’ll know.”

Derek looked at me quizzically. “What I want to know is, why are


so hesitant?”

“I just told you!”

He shook his head. “I think it has more to do with what you said Shanna told you… that you’re afraid to try things. Why are you so afraid?”

“Why are you so hot and bothered to do it?” I demanded. “It’s almost like you


to get naked with Ryan.”

Derek laughed. “We spent fifteen minutes negotiating exactly what was going to happen, who was going to do what, what we were going to say if anything – you know – got


– we’re pretty secure in our plan.


our manhood.”

“And our heterosexuality,” Ryan added.

“Yeah. You know that SNL song?” Derek laughed. “About how it’s not gay if it’s a threeway? With a woman in between you there’s some leeway?”

I got pissed. “You are


going to – to – ”

“To what?”

Aggravated, I stuck out both my pointer fingers and jabbed them at each other. “ – to do


with me in the middle.”

Derek doubled over and howled with laughter.

Ryan grinned. “No… this’ll be all about


about giving


pleasure. That’s what we decided.”

My panties were


soaking wet.