I frowned at the fob, then up at him. “I don’t understand.”

His lips quirked. “This is your car.”

“You…bought me a car?”

“Yes.” He bought me a car. A whole car. In my favorite color.

“It’s purple.”

His lips quirked. “I’m aware.”

“Purple is my favorite cover.”

“I know.”

I’d never told him that. “How—”

“I’m observant.”

I shook my head. “This is…” Over the top. Generous. Sweet. And pointless. I gnawed on my lip, not wanting to trample all over his gift. “But I can’t drive, Gio…”

“I know.” He swept my hair behind my ear and leaned in, kissing first my cheek, then my jaw, my neck… I tilted my head to the side, little shivers trickling over my body. “That’s why I’m going to teach you.”

“What?” I pulled away so I could meet his gaze. “Seriously?”

“Get in, princess.” He jerked his head toward the car, and I practically squealed as I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him.

To some people, it may not be the biggest gesture. Buying me a car was sweet, but teaching me to drive… It was freedom, an open door to a cage that had always been locked. He was trusting me, giving me a means of escape my father always refused to let me have. It was a gesture that said he understood me and what I needed. That he would not chain me.

My back hit the side of the car before his lips crashed over mine. “Get in the car before I fuck you against it, princess.”

I smiled, then nipped at his bottom lip and ducked under his arm. The car was so big I had to practically climb up into it. Gio got into the passenger seat, the picture of calm. I definitely would not be calm if I were him. It was probable that I was about to kill us in the next two minutes.

He took a fob from the center console and pressed it, lifting the garage door. Then he guided me through starting the engine and putting the car into drive. “Now, just press the accelerator and steer. Easy.”

I pressed the accelerator, and the car lurched forward.

He laughed. “Gently.”

A couple of minutes later and I was rolling down the driveway at the high speed of a snail. “Should I pull over and let them pass?” I asked, nodding my head toward the rear-view mirror and the black SUV looming behind me.

“No. They’re following you, piccola.”

I frowned without taking my eyes off the road. “Why?”


“But I have you.” And the gun currently pressing into my lower spine.

“It’s just a precaution.”

As annoying as it was, I knew his brand of overbearing came from a place of concern and love, not a desire to trap or control me. We reached the gate, and I expected him to tell me to turn around, but instead, it started to open.

“Wait, we’re going out there?”

“You have the hang of it now.”

“On a straight drive with no other cars!”

He chuckled. “I won’t let you crash.”

Oh, God. What if I did, though? This car looked expensive, and I only just got it… But my worries disappeared the moment I pulled out the gate. The sense of freedom and independence was something I had never experienced, and I smiled, feeling lighter than I ever had.

We drove for a couple of miles, crawling along the Hamptons roads. I rounded a bend and saw a car pulled across the road ahead. I fumbled for the brake, coming to a halt. My pulse picked up when I took in the armed men surrounding the vehicle.


“Emilia, get down!” Gio grabbed for me just as I heard the bang.

Blinding pain ripped through my shoulder, and I cried out. I instantly knew I’d been shot. Not like I hadn’t taken a bullet before, but the memory didn’t compare to the shitty reality.

My vision blurred, and I tried to suck in deep breaths as Gio forced me down over the center console. Tears stung my eyes as gunshots rang out around us, my blood slicking over the cream-colored leather.

“Emilia, look at me.” Gio gripped my chin, his eyes sweeping over me. “It’s just your shoulder. I know it hurts, but I need you to push your seat back and get under the steering wheel. Can you do that, princess?”

I nodded and did as he said, wincing as I curled into a ball in the footwell. “Good girl. Stay there. I’ll be back for you in a second.” As the shock abated slightly, fear took over, beating away at me with every breath. I didn’t want him to leave me.


“Do not move, Emilia.” He kissed me quickly, and then he was gone, a litany of bullets pinging off the door in his wake.

I pressed a hand over my bloody shoulder, trying to breathe through the pain and panic.

The gunfire grew louder and more continuous as I waited for long seconds, or maybe minutes, I wasn’t sure. When the driver’s door was yanked open, I expected Gio, so when Matteo Romano’s scarred face sneered at me, I froze, terrified.