Page 42 of Obsession Within

We’re both silent as the waiter appears again and opens the bottle of wine, before pouring it into two chilled flutes.

When he leaves, Diana turns to me. “I can’t believe you sometimes. But I don’t know why I bother. You’re so cold and uncaring. You only care about what will hurt you,” she says bitterly.

“Do you think I just got those ideas from the top of my head that you’d try to fuck me over because you’re jealous?”

“Jealous?” She chokes out a laugh. “Are you listening to yourself? Why would I be jealous of that bitch?”

“Come on, let’s stop lying to each other. It’s not like you haven’t done this before, Diana.”

“That was when I thought you and I were an endgame, but things changed and I’m married now.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Then why did you come here if you’re so in love with Michael?”

“Don’t be an asshole.”

“Don’t be a bitch.”

She smirks as she lifts the red wine to her lips and swallows all of it in one go. “Enough of this bullshit, wanna get out of here? My townhouse isn’t that from here.”

“I can’t,” I say, glancing at my watch. “I have to get back to the library and work on a brief.”

“Look, why don’t you leave your college classes and girl troubles aside and spend the evening with me?” Diana slides her pale hand over mine. “I want you to fuck me, Hudson. At least before I leave on Monday. Just spend the weekend with me. We can go out to the movies and have dinner. For old times sake.”

“Old times, huh?” I circle her wrist and pay the bill before we head to Diana’s townhouse.

It starts to rain, so we grab a cab and when we reach the townhouse, we quickly jog up the concrete steps, the rain soaking our clothes.

We barely make it in, as our clothes fall to the floor and soon I’m inside of Diana, groaning as I fuck her over and over again on the white furry carpet in the living room. On the table. On the couch. I fuck her everywhere.

But when I come, I’m not coming for Diana. It’s Parker that fills my thoughts and it drives me crazy that she’s not beneath me. Her dark grey eyes, her long golden locks, her narrow waist. Parker beneath me and me inside of her.

Diana moves off of me and we listen to the steady hum of the rain outside before we fuck again. This time, I block Parker from my thoughts and stare up into Diana’s eyes as she rides me.

“Diana…” Her name escapes my lips.