He looked at her like she’d asked the dumbest question ever.

“Yeah, Jess, it would have mattered.”

“To you? Or to your club?”

“I’m not gonna lie to you. The information you have is valua

ble. My club needs you and that information to make a deal to keep the damn Death Heads from pushing into Alabama. You were right. They want the entire Gulf Coast. And yes, we’re takin’ you to that meet. I’m not gonna deny it. But I’d never let them have you, Jess. Never.”

“How can I believe you?”

“Because you know me, baby. You fucking know me.”

“I want to believe you.”

“Then do it.”

She stared at him.

“I promised your brother I’d take care of you. That I’d watch out for you. I promised him.”

“When?” She frowned.

“Doesn’t matter when. I just did.”

“And that’s why you’re helping me, because of a promise to my brother?” Her heart began to sink. Was she just a debt, a favor owed? Was that all she’d ever be to him?


She started to turn away, her eyes glassing over, but he yanked her back around. “When I’d thought you’d gone—” he broke off searching her eyes. “The panic I felt had nothing to do with any promise I’d made to Robert.”

She tried to twist free. “I can’t do this.”

“The hell you can’t. You’ve fucking pushed and pushed. Well, guess what, darlin’, you rattled my cage and awoke the bear. No turnin’ back. You wanted me. Now you got me.”

And then he was pulling her to the head of the table and lifting her to plop her ass down on the polished wood.

Her startled eyes widened. “Ghost, what are you doing?”

He pushed between her knees to stand with his hips pushing her thighs wide. His hands cupping her face, pulling her head up to lock gazes with her.

“We gonna do this?”


“We gonna do this or not?” he growled.

“Do what, Ghost?”

“Us.” And then without giving her a chance to speak, his mouth came down on hers, his tongue diving inside. He held her head tipped back locked in his hands as he took his fill. When he finally broke away to gasp in a lungful of air, her mind was turned to mush. She couldn’t even remember what they’d been talking about; he’d wiped every thought from her brain.

But Ghost remembered.

“Ain’t playin’, Jessie. I want you. Right here. Right now. You want to give us a shot, a real shot, then it starts now. You don’t, you say the fuckin’ word, and I’m done.”

She stared up at him, shocked by his words, but as she read the determined expression on his face, she knew he meant them, every last word. And the thought of him ‘being done’ with her scared her to death. So she reached up, grabbed his face and pulled his mouth back down to hers.

A moment later, she was flat on her back on the table as he leaned over her, his mouth devouring hers, until that wasn’t enough anymore, for either of them. He lifted off her and began fumbling with her pants. Then he was pulling off her boots and yanking her jeans off her legs.