She shrugged. “Boo, I guess.”

“Fine. I won’t rat you out.”

“Can I trust you?”

“Can I trust you?” Jessie quirked a brow at her. “Besides, how will I get out of here without being seen?”

“Climb out the window.” Ashley gestured to the window in the room. “It faces the side of the clubhouse. No one will see you, but if you’re going, you’d better hurry. The guys could come back anytime now.”

Jessie held her arm up. “Okay, quick, unlock these.”

Ashley tossed her the keys, and they landed on the bed next to her. “Here, do it yourself. Just wait until I sweep up this glass and leave the room.”

“Fine, but hurry.”


Ghost strode into the clubhouse, Shades, Griz, Hammer, and JJ with him. The club business had taken way longer than any of them had expected. He’d never meant to leave Jessie cuffed to that bed for most of the day, and it was late afternoon now.

He made a beeline to the bar and moved behind it, squatting down next to the lower shelf where he’d left the key for Boo. When it wasn’t there, he looked over to where the man was standing at the other end of the bar.

“Boo, where’s the key?”

Boo looked over at him. “Where you left it.”

“It’s not here.”

Boo frowned and checked his pockets. “I’m sure I put it back.”

Ghost stood, his jaw ticking impatiently as he waited for Boo to check all his pockets twice.

“I swear to God, Ghost, I remember putting it back. Maybe it fell on the floor.”

“Find it,” Ghost snapped. “I’ll be in the room with Jessie.”

Boo nodded.

Ghost moved around the bar and down the hall. He opened the door, took one step in and froze in his tracks. The bed was empty, the handcuffs were hanging empty still attached to the bedpost, and the fucking window was wide open, the curtain blowing in the breeze.


Ghost strode over to the window and leaned out; looking both ways on the sliver of a chance she’d just

climbed out. Nothing.

He straightened and slammed his palm against the window frame causing the already cracked window to shatter and smash to the floor at his feet. A moment later he was storming down the hall.

“She’s fucking gone!”

Everyone in the room turned to look, stunned at his outburst, but he only had eyes for one man. Boo. He marched straight to him, grabbed a fistful of his shirt and slammed him up against the wall.

“I left you with one fucking task! Keep an eye on her, and you fucked that up! Where the hell is she?” He slammed him against the wall a second time.

“I swear to God, Ghost. She was in there when I brought her the food.”

“When was that?”

“Right after you called.”