“Thanks, man.”

Boo nodded and went back behind the bar.

Shades stepped over to Ghost. “Problem?”

“Apparently. Can you tell JJ to get Ashley out of here?”

“I can take care of her. Be my pleasure.”

“Let JJ handle her. He fucked her last night.”

Shades nodded, and Ghost moved in behind Jessie, taking up the position Boo had been in, one hand on the bar, one on the back of her barstool. “We need to talk.”

She whirled on him and bit out, “You’re turning me over to them? I’m part of a deal?”

Ghost’s eyes lifted over Jessie’s head for a split second to touch on Ashley. Just then JJ walked past, and Ghost knew he’d heard what Jessie had just said. Hell, half the damn room had heard her.

And Ghost knew exactly where that shit had come from. Ashley. And she had to have heard it from someone, most likely last night in bed with JJ. That fucking pillow talk was going to get his ass beat. But Ghost couldn’t deal with him now. He had a pissed off woman he was supposed to get under control and locked down.

Fucking hell.

Ghost grabbed her by the upper arm and pulled her off the stool. “Let’s go.”

“Let me go. I’m not going anywhere with you. Go to hell.”

Too late, sweetheart, he was already there.

She tried to pull back, but that barely slowed him down as he hauled her down the hall. He threw open the second door on the right and shoved her inside.

It was a room he sometimes used when he stayed at the clubhouse, which was rarely. It was barebones with just a twin bed against the wall, a small table next to it with a lamp and a half empty bottle of Jack Daniels on it.

There was one window, and the decorating consisted of one lone, framed photo of himself and Robert. It was a shot he’d always liked, from back when they were in High School. They’d both had their arms around each other, laughing.

Jessie whirled to look at him as he slammed the door.

“You’re going to turn me over to them, aren’t you?”

“Shut up, and listen to me for one goddamn minute!”

“You’re just using me. How could you? I came to you for help. God, I never should have trusted you!”

That cut him, deeper than he cared to admit. And it pissed him off.

“Yeah, Jess, you came to me for help. And you were dragging a shit ton of trouble with you. And I took that on. No fucking hesitation. I said I’d help you. I told you I keep you safe. But you don’t get a say in how I do that or how that happens.”

“I don’t have to listen to you. You’re not the man I thought you were.”

“You’re right, babe. I’m not. Maybe I never was. But it’s time to grow up, little girl. And yes, you are going to do whatever the fuck I tell you.”

“I don’t have to stay and listen to this. I’m leaving. I’m going to my mom’s.” She made to move past him to the door. He yanked her back with a hand clamped around her arm.

“Your mom lives in fucking Daytona, Jess. That’s Death Heads territory. That’s the last fucking place you’re going.”

“You can’t stop me.”

“Wanna bet?”

Ghost strode out into the common room and took a seat at the bar next to Shades.