Shades slapped him on the back. “Maybe you don’t want any part of this. But you’re a loyal brother, so you better fall in line, like the rest of us.”

Ghost shrugged off his arm and headed back inside.

“Where you goin’?” Shades asked.

“To tell Jessie we’re ridin’ out in a few minutes. That okay with you? You do know how long it takes chicks to get ready, right?”

Shades grinned. “Right.”


Half an hour later, Jessie was standing on the curb outside with Ghost’s brothers. He had paused at the door to lock up, and Shades was up there talking to him, but she was too far away to hear any of it. Whatever it was, it made Ghost smile, which was good because ever since the guys got there, he’d been in a surly mood.

Griz leaned over to half whisper in her ear. “Ten bucks says you can’t get him to break formation on the way over to the clubhouse.”

Jessie looked at him, frowning, wondering if this was some type of test to see if she could hold her own with them. Never one to back down from a challenge, s

he knew she had to accept. If he thought she’d punk out, he didn’t know what she was made of. Well, bring it on, big guy. She smiled up at him. “You’re on, old man.”

Hammer just shook his head. “Didn’t you lose enough money already on this trip, Griz?”

Griz didn’t break eye contact with Jessie as he answered Hammer. “You stay outta this, this doesn’t concern you.”

“It’s your funeral,” Hammer replied.

“Wait, what?” Jess frowned, breaking eye contact with Griz to look over at Hammer. She was beginning to doubt the wisdom of this whole idea. Griz put his arm around her and turned her away.

“Don’t you pay no never mind to him. You got this, girl. I got faith in you.”

“And what’s the purpose of this again?”

He shrugged. “No purpose. Why has there gotta be a purpose? This is just you takin’ a bet. No harm in that. It’s all good, doll. Just havin’ a little fun.”

Jessie’s eyes narrowed as she eyed him, considering. “Twenty.”

Griz grinned. “Ooo. The girl’s confident. I like it. Okay, girly. You’re on.”

“Okay, wait. Let’s clarify. What exactly counts as breaking formation?”

“You get his bike to wobble. Better yet, you get him to cross the centerline. I’ll pay double for that.”

“The center line? But he could kill us?”

“You don’t do it when there’s oncoming traffic, missy. Ya gotta time this shit just right.” He paused, considering her slowly as if he was rethinking the bet. “You sure you’re up for this?”

Her spine straightened. Of course she was up for this! She’d never turned down a bet in her life. “I’ve got it.”

He reached up and ruffled the hair on the top of her head. “I like you. You’re gonna fit right in. Give ol’ Ghost a run for his money. He needs someone like you to shake him up.”

She couldn’t help the smile that lit up her face. God, she hoped those words were true, because she definitely needed Ghost.

“Hey, doll?”

She turned back.

“Here’s a little hint, cause I like ya.”
