Ghost let out a slight chuckle. “Something like that, yeah.”

“Interesting.” She eyed Jessie up and down, and then her eyes swung to Ghost in a considering, analyzing way.

As if Ghost could read her mind, he replied, “Don’t even go there, Sky.”

Her eyes got big, but her knowing grin stayed. “What? I didn’t say a word.”

Shades pulled her away, remarking, “I’ll fill you in later.”

“Oh, yes you most definitely will.”

Jessie watched them walk off, and then she turned on Ghost. “What was that about?”

He shook his head about to answer when another girl walked up, plastering herself against him and purring like a kitten. “I missed you, baby.”

Jessie’s eyes swept over her. She was a stacked blonde with a catty look on her face, her hands sliding up and down Ghost’s cut like she owned him. It had Jessie’s spine straightening as jealousy flared to life inside her.

Ghost took her by the upper arms and set her away. “Quit, Ash.”

“Who’s this?” she asked, her eyes on Jessie and venom in her voice.

“Not your concern,” Ghost snapped, clamping his hand firmly around Jessie’s. Then before she could do much more than turn to watch the girl over her shoulder, Ghost was dragging her off through the crowd.

“Who was she?” she asked him quietly, her eyes still on the girl.

“That’s Ashley. Nobody for you to worry about.”

Jessie couldn’t help the feeling that crept up her spine and told her the exact opposite.

Ghost led her inside his clubhouse, and Jessie forgot all about Ashley as her eyes moved around the place. There were flags, pictures and club memorabilia all over the walls, even hanging from the ceiling. The place was crowded with the returning brothers, and Ghost shouldered his way through the leather-clad men, leading her to a bar against the back wall.

He jockeyed a position and leaned on his elbows, calling to a short woman behind the bar serving up drinks. She was petite, with white-blonde hair in a cute little super-short, spikey cut. It accented her long slender neck and big slanted green eyes.

“Hey, Tink. Be a sweetheart and grab me a couple bottles.”

The woman turned, her face lighting up as she saw him. “Sure thing, Ghost. Welcome home!”

“Good to be back, darlin’.”

A moment later she set two ice-cold bottles of beer in front of them. Her eyes briefly touching on Jessie as she gave her a slight nod.

“Seen Hammer, yet?” Ghost asked her with a grin.

She rolled her eyes. “No, and don’t start, Ghost. I was in a good mood.”

Ghost chuckled, putting the bottle to his mouth and taking a long drink.

The girl was soon called away to serve up the crowd, and Ghost twisted, leaning against the bar to face Jessie.

“Tink?” she asked.

“Short for Tinker Bell.” He shrugged. “I think the nickname is self-explanatory.”

Jessie’s eyes moved back to the pretty, petite woman. She supposed it did at that.

“Why did you ask her about Hammer?”

He eyed her, his smile fading slightly. “Why? Jealous you might have some competition for your new boyfriend?”