Her ministrations went on until he felt all the tightness from the road slip away.

“Damn, this feels good


“Just relax and enjoy it.”

“Oh, I am. Definitely. Maybe too much.”

“Too much. What does that mean?”

Well hell, she asked.

He flipped over underneath her until he was on his back, staring up at her with his hands gripping her hips. He saw the look of surprise on her face as he applied slight pressure of his own, pulling her crotch against his and watched her mouth fall open in realization as she felt his all too obvious erection.

“Oh,” she said breathlessly.

“Exactly. Oh.” He stared up at her, watching every subtle expression cross her face. Surprise. Uncertainty. And then something else, something he hadn’t expected.

He watched as one small palm settled on his stomach and slide up his chest as she bent to lean over him, planting the other hand in the bed near his head. Her eyes connected with his.

“I could help you with that, too, if you want.”

Before he even gave himself time to consider how stupid it was, he rolled, taking her to her back on the bed. She gasped with the quickness of his movement and the shock of finding herself under him.

At that moment, getting her under him was the only thought that had permeated his brain. Well, that and sinking into her warm welcoming heat. Jesus Christ, what the hell was she doing to him?

He stared down at her, and watched as her eyes fell to his mouth, and that sealed the deal. He dipped in, his mouth settling over hers before he thought better of it. She opened for him, eagerly, freely, like he knew she would. And it was just as sweet as he remembered. Her little tongue sliding forward to tangle with his, her lips soft beneath his. He ate at her, turning his head from side to side, changing his angle, going back again and again for more, until finally he broke off, pressing his forehead to hers for a moment, his breathing heavy as he rasped out the question on his mind.

“Black or red?”

“What?” The word came out breathlessly as she frowned up at him.

He pulled back, lifting up off her a few inches as his big palm slid down over her ass cheek to cup and squeeze and pull her against him. “Black or red?”

And then she knew what he was referring to. He could read it in her face as it dawned on her. The panties he’d bought her.

“Been wonderin’ all damn day.” His brown eyes, molten with heat, bore into hers.

“Oh, God. You thought about my panties all day?”

“Yeah, brat. All damn day. You gonna tell me?”

She swallowed. And he could read her mind. She was trying to decide if she should admit it or let him wonder. Or just maybe let him discover for himself. Hell, he was up for that.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

His chin moved to the side a fraction of an inch. “Not a good idea to give out a challenge like that, not to a man like me.”

She stared back at him, not giving an inch. Well, goddamn.

He held her eyes as desire coursed through him. No, not desire, unbridled lust, pure and simple, and stronger than he’d felt for any woman in a long fucking time. Maybe lust wasn’t the right word either. It was need that burned through him, need that clawed at him to take her fast and hard.

Fuck, what was wrong with him? This was Jess he was on top of.

Suddenly he found himself vaulting off the bed. She looked up at him with obvious confusion. And he answered that look with a fierce one of his own.

“You better think long and hard on what the hell it is you want from me, Jess. You need my protection you got it. This doesn’t have to be part of the deal. Some fucked up payment for helping you.”