She looked over to see a stack of pancakes that took up the entire plate. Her eyes got big as she looked back at a grinning Shades. “That pancake is the size of my face.”

“You’re a goof,” he replied.

Ghost handed her a menu.

Mugs of piping hot coffee were brought out quickly and set in front of the two new arrivals.

One of the guys looked over at her. “If you’re one of those hippy-dippy coffee snobs, this ain’t the place for you.”

“I’m not,” she replied. But she had spent the last few years in Seattle, the coffee mecca of the world, so, yes, she was spoiled with some superb product. She sipped the coffee, surprised to find it was really good.

Sandman’s plate was set before him, and he immediately reached for packets of grape jelly, mixing them in with his scrambled eggs and making a big purple mucky mess.

Jessie arched a brow. “That’s grape jelly.”

He looked over at her with a conspiratorial look and put the side of his index finger to his lips. “Shh. There’s not enough for everybody.”

“You’re weird,” she replied, grinning at him.

“What? That’s normal.”

Ghost chuckled. “Normal is a destination you ain’t ever gonna reach, bro.”

Sandman shoveled a big forkful into his mouth and spoke around it. “Ask me if I give a fuck.”

One of the men, who she recognized as one of the Omaha Chapter members looked up from his plate. “Menu has all the good stuff. This is our go-to place the morning after a night of general debauchery. Nothing fancy about the place, just good comfort food. You name it, they got it, and the best part, it won’t break the bank.”

“Home-style on the cheap, bro,” Shades said over her head to Ghost.

Sandman shoved a forkful into his mouth and spoke around it. “Food’s nothing to complain about.”

The man across from him snorted. “You always got something to complain about, Sandman.”

Sandman spoke around his mouthful, “Not this, bro. Its as if some wizard cast a spell and created a singularly awesome breakfast.”

“Don’t mind him. He’s stoned,” Blood teased.

“I am not,” Sandman insisted. “Just hungry.”

Jessie couldn’t help but giggle.

The waitress came to stand behind her and Ghost. “What’ll you two have?”

Jessie looked up to find the woman’s eyes on her. She quickly glanced down at the menu and picked something. “Um, toast, bacon and fresh fruit.

Ghost grabbed it out of her hand and handed it to the waitress. “She’ll have the Stuffed French Toast. I’ll have the Chicken Fried Steak.”

After the waitress walked away, Jessie turned to Ghost. “Why did you do that? I’m not that hungry.”

“You need to eat. We got a long day of riding ahead of us. And I seem to recall you love strawberries,” he added with a grin.

He remembered! Why did that make her want to grin from ear to ear? She sucked her lips into her mouth to keep from doing just that and having the whole table see her reaction.

Shades grinned

over at her. “Strawberries, huh?”

She rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help grinning back. “I like strawberries. What of it?”