“You’re welcome.”

“I’m not an ungrateful bitch.”

“Good to know.” And she swore the man almost smiled before moving to another seat on the other side of the table.

Ghost leaned forward on his elbows, his eyes hitting one of the men from the Omaha Chapter that sat the end of the table. “Heard you were knee deep in some Sexcapades last night, Skunk.”

The man grinned back. “You know my motto. Two blondes are better than one.”

Ghost grinned. “Were they twins? You workin’ through some kind of sexual bucket list?”

“Nope. Had twins, never triplets, though. That’s the holy grail.”

“You got that list all printed up and everything, Skunk?”

He grinned as he lifted his coffee mug to his mouth. “There’s an app on my phone.”

“You’re not right in the head, dude.”

“It’s an interesting list. I’ve seen it,” another man at the table added.

“Want to see it?” Skunk offered.

“Does it include farm animals?” Ghost asked with a grin.

One of the brothers almost spewed coffee all over the table.

Shades looked over at him. “You missed all the fun last night. Cops came and everything.”


One of the Omaha men added, “Well, hell, it ain’t a party till there’s gunfire, right?”

More chuckles.


“Marlene gave me the third degree last night about who the new girl was.” His eyes slid to Jessie for a moment.

“A jealous woman does better research than the FBI, man,” the brother next to him added, forking food into his mouth.

“You got that right.”

The man that had been outside helping the women with their car ambled in. He glanced over at a nearby tableful of young teenage boys and tossed them a nugget of advice as he made his way to the table. “Fellas, learn how to fix shit. It will get you blowjobs. You’re welcome.”

His brothers all grinned as he yanked out a chair and sat down.

“I take it that went well,” one of them commented, chuckling.


A waitress arrived, passing out plates of food to the men who had ordered earlier. Jessie’s eyes swept around the table, taking in the various plates of heaping food. They were all piled high with different items that all smelled terrific. She looked over at Shades’ plate. It was a smothered rib eye, and she practically drooled. “Sweet merciful mother of…”

Shades grinned over at her. “Get you one.”

“No way. I couldn’t eat all that.”

He nodded toward the man across from him. “How about that?”