“This is sooo good,” she said around a mouthful of food. “Willie Nelson over there sure can cook.”

He chuckled. “I’ll tell him you said so. And do me a favor, don’t call him that to his face.”

She grinned, still chewing. “If the shoe fits.”

“Just don’t start shit, Jess, okay? Not everybody appreciates your mouth like I do.”

She stopped chewing.

He paused. “Okay, that came out wrong.”

She grinned. “If you say so, Tonto.”

He rolled his eyes.

After they finished eating, he tossed their paper plates in the bonfire and led her into the shed, which she saw was a big cavernous space. It was also empty of people.

Ghost began to talk as he walked her through the building.

“The club built this place. It wasn’t much more than a place to get out of the rain wh

en it was first built. There’ve been a few upgrades over the years. Now we’ve got a bunch of bunks. They’re not much, just a place to unroll a sleeping bag out of the rain.”

She noticed there were about ten bunk beds made out of cheap lumber lining each wall on either side of them.

“Not nearly enough for everyone, but most of the guys sleep out under the stars anyway, so its all good. Another major improvement and favorite among the guys has been the recent addition of a shower room installed at the far end of the building.” He pointed toward where they were headed. “It’s got four stalls and best of all, hot water.” He waggled his brows.

She followed him through a doorway. There were indeed four stalls on the right. On the left was a long counter with several sinks. She watched as Ghost leaned back against the counter and folded his arms, then nodded toward the stalls.

“Take a shower. I’ll make sure nobody comes in.”

She blinked. Was he joking?


“You do want a hot shower don’t you?”

Her eyes slid to the right. A hot shower would be heavenly. But these stalls didn’t even have curtains. She supposed bikers weren’t shy. And at least she could be grateful it wasn’t one big communal shower. But still.

“Ghost, you want me to take a shower? Now? With you just standing here?”

He grinned and nodded toward the shower at the end. “Take the last one. I won’t watch.”

“But…you’re just going to stand here?”

“You do want me makin’ sure my brothers don’t come in, right?”

Uh, yeah.

“Jess. Take a fucking shower.”

Oh, man. That sounded like a challenge. Something she’d never responded well to. She pursed her lips and flung her cross-bag on the counter with a bang. His eyes followed it and then returned to her, his brows lifting, but he said not a word.

Her hands moved to the buckle of the chaps that fastened low on her hips. His eyes dropped to watch. She pulled them off and then tossed them on the Formica counter as well.

His eyes bore into hers, waiting.

She lifted her hand and made a twirling sign with her index finger.