His brows rose, the grin still on his face, and his hand already guiding her head back down. “Then you better get back to what you were doin’, brat, and take my mind off the idea.”

So she got back to what she was doing.

“Damn, that’s twice in one night the girl’s done what she was told.” He grinned. “Miracles do happen.”

She smacked her palm on his belly, causing his gut to tighten as he burst out laughing.


The next day they were back at the clubhouse. There was some type of annual party going on to raise money for some charity that was important to Butcher’s ol’ lady. Some of the members had taken part in a poker run that had been put on for the charity earlier in the day, but since Ghost was suppose to technically have Jessie on lockdown, they’d slept in.

Now it was late in the afternoon. Most of the club were sitting around outside, when Butcher’s ol’ lady approached.

“We’re about three hundred dollars short.”

“Short of what?” Butcher asked her.

“Our goal.”

“Then I guess we’re short.”

Her hands landed on her hips. “Butcher.”

“What do you want me to do about it? And I ain’t dumping no bucket of ice water over my head, so don’t even think it, woman.”

Blood, who was kicked back in a chair, asked, “How about we play a little game? I’ll show you how we do an ice bucket challenge at the New Orleans clubhouse.”

“If it involves me dumpin’ a bucket over my head, forget it,” Butcher complained.

“Nope. I promise.”

Butcher frowned, suspiciously.

“You’ll like it, I guarantee.” Blood turned and looked at Undertaker. “Am I right?”

He chuckled. “You’ll definitely enjoy this game, Butcher.”

“Okay, fine. How do we play?”

Blood whistled for one of the prospects and whispered some instructions in his ear. The man trotted off to do his bidding. Then Blood looked around the crowd. When his eyes hit Jessie’s, he winked and said, “I’ll need a volunteer.” He turned and curled a finger at Ashley, who’d been trying to get the good-looking man’s attention all week.

She happily trotted over, all smug smiles.

The prospect came back with an empty plastic beer pitcher found in any pizza joint, and he tossed what looked like an old purple Crown Royal bag with gold drawstrings on the table along with three poker chips, one red, one white, one blue.

“Okay, guys, we need the ol’ ladies for this one. If you haven’t got one, grab a girl.” Then he got up and walked over to a big square cooler that was mostly empty now and dunked the plastic pitcher into it coming up with a mix of melting ice and water.

He walked back over to the picnic table they were gathered around, dropped the three poker chips in the bag and shook them up.

“White is $20, Blue is $50, and Red is $100. You’re lady draws a chip, guys. You either have that amount in your pocket to donate, or your lady gets iced.” He grabbed Ashley from behind, hooking one arm around her neck to hold her still, and with his other hand he dumped the pitcher of ice down her chest.

She didn’t realize what he was about to do until it was too late, and she shrieked, both with the shock of the cold ice water and with rage. To make maters worse, she had a push up bra on, and all that ice got lodged in her bra, so she began jumping around, trying to get it out.

As the rest of the guys were laughing their asses off at Ashley’s discomfort, Blood connected eyes with Jessie, and he winked, letting her know he’d just gotten a little payback for her.

She mouthed the word ‘thank you’ to him, and he lifted his chin.

“Hell, I’m in,” Butcher declared, grabbing his ol’ lady’s arm as she tried to make a getaway, shrieking.