Ghost grinned even bigger. “Thought you’d see it my way.”

“Do you always get your way?”

“Yup. And don’t you forget it, pretty girl.” He released her ass cheek, but smacked it one last time, before stepping away.

“Oww. You sadist!” She rubbed her ass and glared at him.

He threw his leg over his bike, lifted it off the kickstand and patted the seat behind him, still grinning. “Climb on, brat.”

They rode back to the Omaha clubhouse where the men formed up to roll out. Good to his word, Ghost deposited her back in the van with Yammer.

She leaned back, folded her arms and wished she had her headphones and could tune out to some music. But no, she had to listen to the Prospect drone on for five hundred miles about anything and everything that popped into his mind.


They arrived after dark at their second stop. Jessie gazed up at the building. The Saint Louis, Missouri Chapter’s clubhouse. It was a medium sized brick building on the edge of an industrial neighborhood west of the old brewery section. It looked like in a past life it may have been a corner tavern. But any welcoming feeling was long gone. It was now marked with Keep Out, Private Property and an assortment of MC signage. There was a parking lot that had been fenced off and gated with chain link fencing that was filled in with security strips that ran in diagonal black and white stripes, the Evil Dead colors.

Some members rolled through the gates and into the compound, while the overflow, Ghost included, parked out on the street in a long line of bikes backed to the curb.

Yammer found a spot half a block down and parked, then walked her down to where Ghost was waiting. He took her by the hand and led her through the gate.

It was pretty much a repeat of the previous night, with ol’ ladies and other clubwomen there to welcome home the men like conquering heroes. There was food and booze, and once again it didn’t take long for the party to crank up into high gear.

And again, Ghost didn’t spend too much time before he led her by the hand through the crowd and back out to his bike and to a motel.

This one was much the same as the last one, except this time she noticed he’d made sure there were two beds.

She watched as he tossed his pack on the bed nearest the door.

She noticed he always put himself between her and the door. That was just his way. Always had been. He always put himself between her and any possible threat.

“I’ll take that one. You can have the one closest to the bathroom,” she offered mostly just to see if he’d do it.

“Not happening, sweetheart. I’ll take the one by the door.”

“Why?” she asked, just to see if he would confirm her theory. And he did.

“Anyone tries to come through that door or window, they have to go through me to get to you.”

“Oh.” And then she remembered the very real threat that someone might just want her dead. And she realized this wasn’t a joke. There really was danger out there.

Ghost studied her face. “Yeah, oh.”

She bit her lip. “You really think the Death Heads followed us?”

“Doubt it. Just bein’ safe.”

She looked worriedly toward the window, and he must have seen her reaction because a moment later he was standing in front of her, drawing her attention away from the window.


She looked up at him, the worry still plain on her face, she was sure.

“Nothing’s gonna happen. I’m right here, Jess. Not gonna let anybody hurt you. You’re safe with me.” He stared into her eyes, and she felt a calm come over her. A calm she always felt when she was with him. A calm no one else had ever made her feel.

She believed him. Every word.

His eyes were searching hers, waiting, so she nodded. “I know. I believe you.”