My hands landed on my hips as I glared at him.

“What? So the boy ain’t shy about whipping out his dick. Takes after his old man.”

He was grinning. Ear to ear, I kid you not. Then he pulled me to him.

“I seem to remember you not having a problem with that trait in me.”

His hands landed on my hips, and he pulled me up against his crotch, letting me feel the erection that was building as his hands slid down and squeezed my ass. Insatiable. The man was insatiable.

I pushed against his chest, trying to keep a straight face. “Ghost, this is serious. You have to do something.”

“I am doing something.”

“I mean about your son.”

“I’ll talk to him, babe.”

“You promise?”

“Promise. We’ll have a little father-son chat about the ‘when and where’ of proper peeing etiquette. Now, shut up and kiss me.”

What can I say? I loved my man. So I shut up and kissed him.



I watched her strut away, and my eyes dropped to her ass. I quickly whipped out my cell and snapped a shot, zooming in on said ass. Then I looked down at the screen and grinned.

Two big greasy handprints stood out on her white shorts, perfectly framing that ass. I texted it to her. It didn’t take long for my phone to ding with a reply.

My cute new shorts! You ruined them!

Looks good to me. Might make it my new screensaver.

Ghost! You’re gonna pay for this.

I’ll make it up to you later tonight.

Not funny.

Sorry I ruined your sexy-as-hell shorts, babe.

No you’re not.

True. Still the best ass I’ve ever seen.

I waited a couple beats before getting a reply to that one.

You’re forgiven.

I grinned. What can I say? That woman cannot stay mad at me. And I loved her for it. Unshakably. Undeniably. Unashamedly. Head-over-heels, last-a-lifetime, till-the-end-of-our-days, loved that woman. But that was a lot to type for a guy who was all thumbs. Guess I’ll just have to show her later. And that was a thought that had me smiling as I typed a reply.

Love you, babe.

My phone dinged one last time.

Back atcha, babe.