The sight of her pointed nipples became too much for his sanity, so Beck stood and paced away from the bed. “I have to say my peace now, or I’ll just climb back on top of you and forget my responsibilities. Forget everything but you.”

She slid her hands over the sheets. An invitation. “Sounds like a plan.”

Beck cursed, wishing for once that his body wasn’t susceptible to every move she made. “I’m leaving tomorrow, Kenna.”

Her beautiful face paled. “We always knew you were leaving.”

“Is that your way of saying things haven’t changed since day one?” The scar tissue on his right side started to throb. “Because you’re going to need to be more convincing.”

“What do you want me to say?” She shouted the words, then drew back, looking surprised at her own outburst. “I did as you asked. I didn’t think about it last night, but last night is over. I don’t know what you expect to happen next.”

Beck shook his head, taking a measured step in her direction. “Last night might be over, but we’re not.” It hit him full force exactly what he had at stake here. His girl. The girl he wanted forever. So he’d fight and fight hard, just like he’d been taught. She was scared—he could see it in her wary expression—so he needed to be strong enough for both of them. “We have two options here, Kenna. You come with me back to Georgia. Or I stay here.”

Her green eyes went wide. “What?” She gained her feet, taking the bedsheet along with her and wrapping it around her body like a protectant. “I-I can’t…you can’t—”

“I can. I will.”

Just like their last morning together, he saw the bomb about to go off. Saw her frantically scanning the contents of her mind for something to distance him. Too bad it wouldn’t work this time. He knew her now, knew her faults and insecurities and treasured each one individually. She could say any damn thing she chose and he would stand firm.

Beck saw the moment she realized it, too, because her features transformed with panic. “Maybe the only reason I hooked up with you was because it was temporary. Don’t you think you’re taking the whole morning afterglow thing a little too far?”


A beat of silence passed. “No? That’s it?”

“Yeah.” He advanced on her, catching her before she could trip over the sheet. “Here’s what we’re going to do now. We’re going to knock off the bullshit. You understand?”

Kenna scoffed. “Yes, Daddy.”

She’d meant it to sound flippant, but his dick didn’t think it was funny. Not after she’d been screaming the title just hours ago as he ate her pussy. Before he could explore his own mind, she was pinned to the wall, his jeans the only barrier between her heat and his erection. It relieved him to a startling degree when some of the fight left her, a small moan passing her lips. “You want daddy, you’ll get me, but you’ll hear me out and give me an answer first.”

Her stubborn mouth snapped shut, eyes firing bullets at him.

“My body reacted to you first. I won’t lie. But my heart followed a minute later and I was yours. Yours to keep. There is something good and strong between us, and I’m not giving it up.” Her eyes softened slightly, forcing him to beat back the urge to kiss her and forget the argument. “I will take you to Georgia and give you a home. I’ll make a place for you to build your statues. I will fuck you every night and love you as much as you can stand, Kenna Sutton.”

When he finished his speech, her eyes were full of tears, but he knew with absolute certainty she wouldn’t let a single one fall. It didn’t bother him one bit, though. Her pride was one of the reasons he’d fallen for her.

“Beck.” Her voice wavered. “I don’t know how to belong to someone. I don’t know how to have someone belong to me.”

Her words flayed him alive, but he forced himself to step back, letting her slide down the wall. “I know what I’m asking. It’s a leap of faith, and I won’t force a decision out of you right now.” Hating the distance he had to put between them, Beck backed toward the door. “I need you at the ceremony tonight. Can you give me that?”

She nodded vigorously, but her gaze was on the floor. “I’ll be there.”

Before he left the room, he stopped in the doorframe and waited for her attention. “Two choices, Kenna. Let me know which one it’ll be. Tonight.”

He left the apartment, praying like hell his gamble would pay off.


Kenna paced outside the packed auditorium. She had to be out of her damn mind coming here, dressed like some kind of teenage debutante. Her feet were light without combat boots to anchor them down, her body felt somehow more exposed than usual in the knee-length white lace dress. She tugged the secret flask from her purse and took a belt of whiskey, hoping it would calm her cartwheeling nerves, to no avail. Georgia. She was going to Georgia.