When she eased down on his length, Beck moaned long and loud. Couldn’t help it. The perfect tightness of her combined with her open-mouthed expression of pleasure blew any other experience in his life right out of the water.

“You know what’s so hot,” she whispered, giving a slow buck of her hips and releasing a shaky breath. “You could walk around with me like this all day without breaking a sweat.”

“Damn right.” A shudder passed through him. “Part of me would love it, too. Letting you milk me everywhere I go.”

She lifted and swiveled her body on the way back down. “What about the other part of you?”

Beck was fast losing focus on anything but the spot their bodies connected, but he pressed their foreheads together, making sure she was looking him in the eye. “The other part of me already wants to kill anyone who will covet what’s mine.”

Her breathing grew choppy. “You fucked this, now it’s yours?”

“That’s right,” he growled, his hands lifting to grip her flexing thighs, barely restraining himself from throwing her down and thrusting until she screamed. “I’m giving you one minute to play, Kenna, then it’s time to start wearing you out. I’ll be making up for lost time with that sinner’s body.”

“Yes, Beck.” Holding on to his shoulders, she leaned back and gave him an earth-shaking view of her writhing body, the spot where his cock appeared and disappeared into her smooth pussy. Around him, her legs increased their hold as she began sliding up and down his length. Her addicting whimpers were almost carried away by the frothing water, but he grabbed and savored them. The faster she moved, the more his sanity threatened to desert him. Needing her close, he crushed her against his chest, taking her mouth in a punishing kiss even as she continued riding his sensitive dick. Can’t hold off any longer. He needed to pin her, gain leverage. Thrust as hard as possible.

Without knowing if her minute had expired—and no longer giving a damn—Beck waded toward the hot tub steps, climbing out of the water while Kenna continued to buck and moan, nails digging into his shoulders. Jesus, he loved the pain. It proved she was real and not a trick of his imagination.

His attention snagged on a mirrored wall, stretching along one end of the physical therapy area. The sight of Kenna clinging to him, her back and ass rolling sensually, nearly brought him to his knees. Closer. He had to get closer. See the perfection of her up close while experiencing the heaven of her wet heat taking him shallow and deep. Shallow and deep. Teeth gritted, Beck crossed the room at a brisk stride, stopping in front of the mirror. “Damn. Damn, Kenna. Look at you.” He gripped her right ass cheek—watched the reflection of his hand squeezing the flesh below her sexy barbed wire tattoo—until she cried out. “If I’d known you existed, coming in my own hand would have been fucking impossible. All those years…” He threw his head back on a groan. “Nothing would have compared. I would have been miserable without your pussy.”

She started to put on a show then. Watching his face as she treated him to a hot bump and grind, her body glistening in the muted light. “The way you squeeze my ass. It’s like you’re trying to prevent yourself from doing more with that hand.”

There was a heady truth behind her words. A desire he struggled to acknowledge because he’d pushed it so deep, ignored it for so long. He took her mouth in a furious kiss, pulling away only when air was required. But even that delicious distraction couldn’t tear his mind away from the invitation in her voice. “What do you mean by something more?”

Her eyes were bright, her voice seductive. “You want to spank me, Beck?”


The breath fled Kenna’s lungs as Beck lifted her off his stiff arousal and whirled her around. He hadn’t responded to her question, but his expression had been answer enough. Just when she thought all of Beck’s layers had been peeled back, another was revealed and she loved it. Loved being the one to liberate his repressed sexual nature. A nature that was turning out to be insatiable and filthy. To her, sex had always been enjoyable, but tended to feel choreographed. Nothing about sex with Beck felt planned—it was down and dirty, honest-to-God slaking of lust. Nothing felt off limits. And for someone like Kenna, who didn’t open up easily, it was freeing. Like she’d taken flight for the first time.

She faced away from Beck now, her stomach pressed against the edge of a leather therapy table, made slippery from her dripping body. His restraint was obvious as he breathed heavily into her hair, hands flexing at her hips. “I don’t lay hands on women,” he said, voice like gravel.