His eyes fell on the satin belt from her robe where it pooled on the floor still, exactly where he’d let it fall last night. It teased him, laying there like Cinderella’s forgotten glass slipper, reminding him of all he’d had last night. He bent to pick it up, his thumb rubbing over the satin fabric. Goddamn it. When he caught up with her, he was going to tie her to the bed with this belt. He shoved it in his hip pocket, a tight grimace forming on his face.

Crystal wanted to play this game, then he was all too willing to take up the gauntlet. After all, no one loved the chase more than he did. And this was one chase he was going to love, especially when he finally caught up with her.

Payback is gonna be a bitch, sweetheart.


Wolf found the rest of the group downstairs in the hotel restaurant having breakfast. Well, all except for the newlyweds. They probably wouldn’t emerge for hours.

He stood at their table.

Angel was grinning down at her cell phone. “This shot is getting blown up, poster size.” She turned to Cole. “I think you should put it up in the clubhouse. Maybe have it framed.”

“Let me see.” Shannon leaned over to look at the picture, a picture Wolf could see clearly from his position standing above her. It was the shot Angel had snapped of Mack down on his knee outside the wedding chapel.

Angel turned the phone towards her. “Isn’t it great?”

Shannon frowned, confused. “Wait? That really happened?”

“A little fuzzy, are we?” Crash asked her with a laugh.

She turned to him. “I don’t even remember coming back to the hotel last night.”

Dog chuckled. “Ah, memory loss, the free prize at the bottom of every vodka bottle.”

The waitress returned with a carafe of coffee and began filling mugs.

Crash looked over at Shannon and winked. “Coffee. My other favorite morning thing.”

Shannon got a big grin and turned red, muttering softly, “Crash.”

Cole looked up at where Wolf stood. “You gonna join us, Brother?”

He shook his head.

“Where’s Crystal?”


“Gone? What do you mean, gone?”

“I mean she’s gone. Her. All her stuff. Woke up and the room was empty.”

“What?” Angel asked, stunned.

Wolf’s eyes met hers. “She say anything? Tell you she was leaving?”

“No, Wolf. I swear.”

His gaze swung to Shannon. “You?”

“No, not a word. She seemed so happy last night. I thought everything was fine, and I know she doesn’t have to be back at work until tomorrow.” Shannon was already moving to dig her phone out of her bag to call her.

“Don’t bother,” Wolf told her.

“Why not?” she replied softly, pausing.

“I’m going after her. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t give her a heads up on that.”