Mack cut him off. “Sit down.”

He obeyed reluctantly, fearing what he was about to hear.

Mack leaned forward, resting his arms on his desk and gave it to him straight. “I heard it from Cole. Crystal told Angel she was leaving. Stopped over there to say goodbye on her way out of town.”

Wolf felt his stomach drop. It couldn’t be true. She couldn’t have left town. Left him. And without even saying goodbye? No way. He couldn’t accept that. He surged to his feet again.

“I’ve got to go.” He paused, looking at Mack, giving him at least that shred of respect, waiting for the old man’s nod of approval.

He got it and was out the door in a flash.


Mack stared at the door of his office, wondering if one of his best guys was going to be useless to him for a while. He’d known more than one brother to have his head messed up by a damn broad. Messed up so bad they couldn’t fucking concentrate on the job at hand. And that kind of distraction could get a man killed. It could also get a brother killed whose back he was supposed to be watching.


He picked up his cell, his thumb moving over the screen, and put it to his ear. When his VP came on the line, he gave him a head’s up.

“Wolf’s on his way, and he’s not in a good place.”

“Right,” came Cole’s reply. “I’ll deal with it.”

Disconnecting, Mack tossed the phone on the desk. Women. They caused him more trouble than every other rival they had, put together.

Fucking hell.


Red Dog blocked Wolf’s way to the door, and Wolf could see the intent in his eyes. He wasn’t done with him.

“You want a piece of me, let’s go outside,” Wolf growled at him.

Dog’s eyes flared with warning. “We take this outside and one of us ain’t comin’ back.”

Wolf glanced over and saw Shane standing by the bar, watching. “What about you? You got something to say?” Wolf growled at him.

Shane tightened his hold on his beer bottle, but he just shook his head. “You made your own hell. I ain’t got to add to it.”

Wolf nodded understanding. Shane wasn’t going to do anything to screw up getting his patch. Not when he was so close. So Wolf made it easy for him. “You get your patch, you come find me.”

“Count on it.”

Wolf shoved past Red Dog, half expecting another blind punch, but Dog let him pass. Wolf walked out of the clubhouse, slamming the door and stopped in the parking lot, his eyes skating over the line of bikes sitting in the sun, but he didn’t really see any of them.

She was gone. Good and truly gone, and he felt like a part of him had just died. Just fucking died. He felt a tightness squeezing his chest, and it felt like he couldn’t breathe.

Fuck. What had he done?

Wolf tore up the gravel driveway of his VP’s house. The place was set out in the country, east of San Jose. He shut his bike off and went around to the back of the house. Cole met him on the deck, obviously having heard his bike roar up the drive. Wolf’s eyes slid past him to where Angel stood in the partially opened sliding glass door.

“Where is she?” he asked her.

Cole looked back at his wife, and they both waited for her response.

Her eyes moved between them, and then she told Wolf softly, “I don’t know.”

Wolf clenched his jaw. He didn’t buy it. She knew. She had to know. “Angel, please. I know she was here.”