She dashed down the hall out into the main room and up the open metal stairs to the second floor. She darted down the hall, checking doorknobs looking for an open one. She needed a place to hide and lick her wounds until she got her backbone back and could go down and face everyone.

Damn it, they were all locked. She got to the end of the hall and tried the last one on the right. Cole’s. The knob turned. Thank God.

She stepped inside, closed the door, and collapsed on the bed. Her head in her hands, she burst into tears, letting the hormonal emotions wash over her. She was usually so thick skinned. They all thought of her as a tough bitch that would never in a million years burst into tears. Not Crystal. No way.

But here she was, an emotional wreck. It had to be the hormones. Which only brought her thoughts spinning back around to the pregnancy. She was pregnant! With Wolf’s baby. God, it still hadn’t sunk in. It still didn’t seem real.

But it was. And clearly, he wasn’t looking for that kind of relationship with her. If he found out, he’d think she’d done this on purpose. If he flipped his lid over the idea of being given an ultimatum, how would he take this?

She wiped the tears away. She had to pull herself together. She had to be strong.


Wolf let Crystal go, staring after her. She’d said Misty was different because he’d never gone back for more before, that he was usually done with them by now. And only one thought had gone through his head. Maybe because she’s the only one that had ever gotten this reaction out of you? But he couldn’t say those words to her. Hell, he could barely admit them to himself.

Wolf liked to believe he understood women. But this whole situation with Crystal was spinning out of control. There was something more to this, something she wasn’t telling him. And he’d be damned if she was going to walk away without settling it. He yanked open the hallway door and moved into the main room, intent on going after her.

He didn’t get three steps into the room before Green waylaid him.

“Bro, do something with Misty. She’s one drenched, pissed-off bitch.”

“Can you get her out of here for me? Take her home?” Wolf asked him.

“Fuck no.”


“God, you’re pathetic when you beg.” Green rolled his eyes. “Christ, you’re gonna owe me for this one.”

“Anything, man. Do you know where Crystal went?” Wolf glanced to the bar, but she wasn’t there.

“I think she went in the john,” Green supplied, nodding toward the bathroom in the corner.

“Thanks, Brother.” Wolf moved past Green and was again waylaid. This time with a firm hand in his chest and an immovable wall of leather cut and pissed-off brother.

Cole got right in his face and growled, “We need to talk. Now.”

Wolf took a deep breath. Shit. Last thing he needed right now was a lecture from his VP, but fuck if he saw anyway around it. He followed Cole, who climbed the stairs to the second level.


Footsteps sounded coming down the hall, getting nearer, and Crystal froze.

Cole’s angry voice carried through the door. “This shit’s got to stop.”

Oh, God. He was headed for his room, and here she sat.


She glanced around, looking for a place to hide, and her eyes fell on the closet. She dashed inside, closing the louvered doors. As she attempted to slow her breathing and make no sound, she realized she could see a tiny bit through the slats. A moment later, the hall door flew open, practically bouncing against the wall and rattling the frosted glass upper half. In strode two sets of boots, and she heard Cole’s voice.

“Swear to Christ, Wolf. I’m done with this shit.”


“Sorry? That all you’ve got to say?”

“Cole, what the hell do you want me to say?”