
“So? They make the pill ineffective. Didn’t you read the prescription?” Angel asked.

Crystal looked back with what she was sure was a ‘deer in the headlights’ look. “Shit.”

Angel took the drink out of her hand, walked over and dumped it in the sink. As she did, Crystal thought about the two shots she’d done with Red Dog at the end of the night last night. Before her scrambled brain could get any further than that, Shannon took her by the arm and hustled her back into the bathroom with Angel

hot on their heels. Shannon pulled a box down from the shelf and handed it to Crystal.

She looked down at the box in her hand. It was a pregnancy test. Her brow rose. “You keep these in stock?”

Shannon shrugged and admitted a little shyly, “Crash and I have been trying.”

“You have?” Angel squealed, excitedly.

“No luck yet.”

After Crystal peed on the stick, they all stood around staring at it for three minutes watching the little plus sign form, until it couldn’t be denied. It was positive. Crystal felt the room spin.

“I think I need to sit down.” They guided her over to the couch. Shannon got her a bottle of water, and she sipped on it and again thought about the shots she did last night.

“So who’s the father?” Angel asked softly.

Shannon sat down next to her and took her hand. “Is it Wolf?” When she didn’t answer Shannon pressed, “Shane?”

She’d had her period since the one time she’d been with Shane. But Wolf had been with her one night last month. No, wait, twice.

Oh, God.

“I haven’t been with Shane.”

Shannon frowned. “You haven’t? I thought…”

She shook her head. “A couple of months ago. Once. But not since then. It can’t be his. There’s just been…”

“Wolf?” Angel’s face was soft with sympathy as she prodded.


Shannon and Angel exchanged a look.

Crystal felt the blood drain from her face. “What am I going to do?”

“You should tell him,” Shannon advised.

Crystal shook her head. “No. I can’t. He’ll be so pissed.”

“No, he won’t,” Angel insisted, frowning. “Why do you say that?”

“He doesn’t want a kid.”

Shannon cocked her head. “How do you know that? Have you asked him?”

“No, but…”

“Men don’t know what they want until you give it to them,” Angel advised.

“Oh, really? Is that how it goes?” Crystal asked with a smirk.