Crystal gave a sly smile. “Let me see. How did he put it? I believe his words were ‘I could have at him’.”

They all giggled.

“So, if it wasn’t Shane, what or who kept you up all night?” Mary prompted.

Angel stared at her, urging her when she didn’t reply. “Crystal?”

“It was Wolf, wasn’t it?” Shannon asked.

When she didn’t reply, they all knew.

“Crystal!” Angel’s mouth fell open. “You and Wolf?”

“Maybe.” Crystal put her off, shrugging like it was no big deal. But she knew this was all news to Angel. Shannon knew. And probably Mary had heard from Red Dog, but Crystal had never spoken of her affair with Wolf to Angel. She’d have kept it a secret from all of them if she could, but Shannon had witnessed the fight that Wolf had had with Shane over her, and had dragged her off and wormed the whole story out of her. A story she’d kept from her best friend, Angel. And now Angel knew.

“Spill. What happened?” Angel demanded.

“Oh, all right. He was at my place when I got home.”

Mary frowned. “You mean waiting out front for you?”

“No. I mean he was waiting inside for me.”

Mary’s brows shot up. “Inside?”

Crystal nodded. “Sitting in the dark in my bedroom.”

“Whoa. Wait. Is that creepy or sexy?” Shannon asked.

Angel gave her a look. “Have you lost your mind? Of course it was sexy. This is Wolf we’re talking about.”

“Just sayin’. It would kind of freak me out.” Shannon shrugged and took a sip of her drink.

“So, what happened?” Angel pressed Crystal for details.

Crystal lifted one shoulder. “What usually happens.”

“You are so bad,” Mary teased lying back on her chaise lounge. She lifted her sunglasses off her eyes and looked over at Crystal. “Was he good?”

Crystal couldn’t hide the smile pulling at her mouth. “Wolf is always good.”

“So, then why are you so in the dumps this morning?” Angel frowned, studying her.

“That’s not the problem.”

“Then what is?” Shannon asked.

Crystal gave her a look. “You should know.”

“Oh. That.”

“Oh, what?” Angel asked, frowning, looking from one to the other.

“Cole ordered Wolf to stay away from Crystal.”

“Why did he do that? And why am I just now finding out about all of this?”

Mary polished off the last of her drink. “Well, this has been fun, ladies, but I can’t stay. I have a nail appointment.”