“It’s not much, but we’re the only guests, so no one will hear us.”

At that, she turned back to him, her eyes big. “Hear us what?”

“Hear us yelling. Or maybe you screaming when I turn you over my knee and spank your ass, woman.”

“Right.” She rolled her eyes, and he felt his temper flare.

“Don’t tempt me, Crystal. I’m not in the best of moods right now.”

“I would have thought after last night that you’d wake up in a great mood this morning.” She gave him an arch look.

“Yeah, babe. I did wake up in a really, really great mood. It lasted all of about two seconds until I rolled over to reach for you and you weren’t there!”


“So let me hear your explanation.”

“My explanation for what?”

“I gotta spell it out? Why’d you run out on me this morning?”

“Oh, honestly, Wolf. You’re acting like I deserted you. It’s not a big deal. I just needed to get back.”

“In case you hadn’t noticed, I just chased you down an interstate halfway across Nevada, so clue in—it’s a big deal to me.”


“You want to cut the smartass mouth?”

“What do you want from me, Wolf?” She rounded on him. “We’ve been apart all this time. We run into each other in Vegas and, yeah, we had a night for old time’s sake. It’s over. Let it go.”

“Old time’s sake? Is that all it was to you? Are you really standing here tellin’ me this shit?”

“Wolf.” She ran a frustrated hand through her hair.

“You’re scared. That’s what this is about. You’re scared I’m gonna jerk you around again. That’s what this is about, isn’t it? Isn’t it?”

“No, Wolf. I’m not scared.”

“The hell you’re not.”

“What’s it gonna take with you? You want another go at it?” she asked sarcastically, her hand flung out indicating the bed. “Fine. Let’s go. Let’s get to it. Then will you let me leave?”

“Babe, seriously?”

“Seriously.” Her brows rose in a challenging attitude that only confused him more and was beginning to piss him off.

“Can’t we have a damn conversation?”

“Is that gonna move this along?” she asked flippantly.

That did it. Something inside him snapped. He’d be damned if he’d stand here and have her taunt him like this. This was all bullshit. And if he had to prove that to her, he would.

“Fine.” He started unbuttoning the flannel shirt he wore under his cut. Then he yanked it and his cut off, dropping them to the floor. Next he tugged the tee shirt he had on underneath over his head.

He watched as she stood mutely—for once—and stared as he continued stripping. Next came his boots. When his hands went to his belt buckle, he lifted his chin at her.

“Take off your clothes. You wanted to get to it, let’s get to it,” he threw her words back at her.