Then he rolled them until he was on the bottom, and she was astride him. His hands ran up her thighs as they snuggled tight against his ribs. She watched as his hungry eyes skated up her body, taking in the sheer cover up she wore that was open and gaping in the front revealing the black string bikini underneath.

One hand slid up over her hip to the curve of her waist and then behind her, his fingers going straight for the ties. One pull and they came free. Then that hand was reaching up to the strings at the nape of her neck. Another tug and her breasts were bared to him. He wasted no time pushing the cover-up off her shoulders to pool at her elbows. Then his hand at her back was pressing her down, bringing her breasts down to meet his hungry mouth. He lifted his head, closing the la

st few inches to latch onto one nipple with a strong tugging pull that had her arching her back to bring him closer. She moaned at the exquisite jolt that zinged through her.

He let go of her nipple with a popping sound, and stared up at her. “My baby likes that.”

She moaned her agreement as he moved to the other breast, treating it to the same torment until she was writhing on top of him. She felt his hands stray to her hips to yank the strings of her bikini bottom free. And then his hands were moving all over her ass as he moaned, the sound vibrating through her nipple. She lowered down on top of him, the soft bare skin of her naked body brushing up against the cool leather of his cut and the cold metal of his belt buckle. She writhed, brushing against the roughness of his jeans and felt the sensation between her thighs.

She rubbed against him like a cat in heat as his hands roamed over her. He let loose of her nipple and dragged her mouth down to his, kissing her with a hunger that took her by surprise. There was an intensity to him tonight. She pushed back, straddling his hips and began to pull his tee shirt free.

“I want you naked, too.”


I want you naked, too.

As Crystal’s words stole through him, Wolf sat up, more than willing to obey. Her hands slid over his shoulders, helping to rid him of his cut and shirt. Once he’d tossed them aside, he rolled them again, putting her back under him. Then he lifted off her, bearing his weight with one hand in the bed while with the other he fumbled with his pants, barely getting them down far enough before he plunged inside her. Not willing to wait another second before feeling her tight around him as he sank inside her.

Her head went back in the pillow as he drove into her, and his mouth latched onto her exposed neck as one of his forearms hooked under her knee and pressed her leg up, spreading her wide for him. He began moving, slowly at first. In and out. In and out. He lifted his head. His eyes never leaving her face as he moved inside her. He watched every emotion as they stole across her face. Awe. Hunger. Want. Need.

They flitted across her face one after another as he moved over her in deep, long strokes. Making her feel every inch, every rubbing thrusting sensation as a thousand nerve endings skated across each other, flaring to life.

“Do you feel me, Crystal? Do you feel us?”

She could barely do more than nod her head as she stared up into his eyes, as if hypnotized by them.

“Say it,” he demanded, not about to settle for a nod.

“Yes,” she panted as her body undulated beneath him.

He changed angles and her head went back again, her eyes sliding closed at the new sensation took her higher and higher.

His mouth came down on hers as his body picked up the pace, his thrusts gaining momentum. He wanted to make it last, but it’d been so long since they’d been together, and he knew his control was hanging on by a thread. This first time was going to be hard and fast, but he swore to himself he’d make it up to her. He’d spend the rest of the night making it up to her.

“Baby,” he growled through gritted teeth.

As if she understood, as if she knew what he was feeling, she nodded, clutching at him.

“Yes,” she panted.

Hell, he supposed he shouldn’t be surprised she understood his need. She’d always understood his needs. They were always so in sync with each other, so attuned to each other. That and she probably could feel the tremors in his arms as he fought back the urge to finish so soon.

“Oh, Wolf,” she panted as he reached around her leg, his hand searching out her clit, stroking over her as he continued to drive into her.

“I need you to get there, baby.”

And then he watched as her head went back, and she moaned out a long wailing sound as she slid over the edge, her inner walls contracted around him, milking a response from him.

He groaned, dipping his head as his release exploded, and his arms locked around her. His body going solid, every muscle flexing as the aftershocks shuddered through him. And then, as if every drop of energy had been drained out of him, he sank down on top of her soft welcoming body.

He felt her hands stroking over his back, one hand lifting to thread her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. And then he felt her lips pressing soft kisses along the side of his neck. He made a move to slide off her, and her arms tightened, keeping him there.

“Stay,” she whispered, and he could feel the fear in her. Was she afraid he was leaving her? Like there was a chance in hell of that happening.

“I’m not going anywhere. I just don’t want to crush you.”

He moved off her then, and this time she let him go. But he pulled her close, tucking her against his side. He only meant to rest for a minute to regain some strength, but he soon felt the miles catching up with him and his body felt heavy with exhaustion. He pressed a kiss to her forehead.